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[Subject: Generalities]

- Unir cosas diversas, de manera que formen un compuesto o agregado.

Translated by: SIMÓN CAMPAGNE

  • Etymology: lat. combinare

Translated in 8 languages

[Subject: Generalities]

Translated in 7 languages

[Subject: Generalities]

Translated in 7 languages

[Subject: Production And Logistics]

- 1- Armonizar proporcionalmente los colores de los objetos a exponer. .2- Dar el tono adecuado en la combinación de matices. 3- Graduar con delicadeza sonidos, expresiones, conceptos, etc.. 4- Adornar, engalanar, colorear, exponer, combinar

Translated in 12 languages

[Subject: Food & Drink]

- 1- Aderezar una comida.
2- Mezclar bebidas

Translated by: SIMÓN CAMPAGNE

Translated in 6 languages

- Reunir. Acoplar varias cosas entre sí.

Translated by: SYLVIA VERGARA

Translated in 1 languages


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