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[Subject: Generalities]

- Declarar no ser cierta una cosa sobre la que se pregunta.
No acceder a una petición.
No admitir la existencia de una cosa.
Olvidarse o retirarse de lo que se estimaba.

  • Synonym: desconocer
  • Synonym: vedar

Translated in 18 languages

[Subject: Generalities]

Translated by: SIMÓN CAMPAGNE

Translated in 8 languages

[Subject: Generalities]

Translated in 1 languages


[Subject: Generalities]

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[Subject: Generalities]

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[Subject: Generalities]

- Prohibir o vedar la pesca y la caza en ciertos parajes

Translated in 1 languages


[Subject: Generalities]

Translated in 1 languages


[Subject: Law]

- No confesar el acusado el delito que se le hace cargo

Translated in 1 languages


[Subject: Generalities]

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[Subject: Generalities]

- Ocultar, disimular, mentir para proteger

Translated in 1 languages


[Subject: Generalities]

- Poner excusas para no hacer una cosa.

Translated in 1 languages


[Subject: Generalities]

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- Poner veto a una persona o proyecto

Translated in 3 languages

- 1- Acusarse o confesar la culpa de un error, delito o falta.
2- Tenerse a uno mismo por lo que se es

Translated by: SYLVIA VERGARA

Translated in 1 languages


- Impedir un proyecto o actividad

Translated by: SYLVIA VERGARA

Translated in 1 languages


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