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[Subject: Wind Instruments & Their Music]


Translated in 94 languages

it Italian organo   View Word  - 264625 264625_n.wav
es Spanish órgano   View Word  - 440233 440233_n.wav
fr French orgue   View Word  - 440229 440229_n.wav
de German Orgel   View Word  - 440231 440231_n.wav
ru Russian орган   View Word  - 6456869
ar Arabic أورغان   View Word  - 5945222
zh Chinese 风琴   View Word  - 6864399
af Afrikaans orrel   View Word  - 5549040 5549040_n.wav
sq Albanian organo   View Word  - 5399465
az Azeri (latin Script) orqan   View Word  - 7148086
ba Bashkir орган   View Word  - 7143433
eu Basque organo   View Word  - 4386986
bs Bosnian orgulje   View Word  - 7140659
bp Brazilian Portuguese órgão   View Word  - 6654768
bc Bresciano orghen   View Word  - 5629774
br Breton ograou; orglez   View Word  - 6072178
bg Bulgarian орган   View Word  - 5307479
ca Catalan òrgan   View Word  - 5869232
ce Chechen орган   View Word  - 7148087
ck Cherokee ᎤᏔᎾ ᏗᎧᏃᎩᏍᏗ   View Word  - 7153121
cr Cree ᑭᑐᐦᑖᑲᐣ   View Word  - 7155529
hr Croatian orgulje   View Word  - 6876262
cs Czech varhany   View Word  - 5107751
da Danish orgel   View Word  - 6145389
dr Dari آرگن   View Word  - 7140660
nl Dutch orgel   View Word  - 5330181
eo Esperanto orgeno   View Word  - 6145391
et Estonian orel   View Word  - 5572784 5572784_n.wav
fo Faeroese orgul   View Word  - 5359569
fi Finnish urut   View Word  - 5313176 5313176_n.wav
fl Flemish orgel   View Word  - 5567162 5567162_n.wav
fy Frisian oargel   View Word  - 7170968
fu Furlan argagn   View Word  - 5737022
gl Galician órgano   View Word  - 5869233
el Greek όργανο   View Word  - 6876263
kl Greenlandic pattagiaq   View Word  - 7138388
gn Guarani mbopuha tuicha   View Word  - 5557551
gu Gujarati હાર્મોનિયમની જાતનું એક વિદેશી વાદ્યઃ   View Word  - 5375140
hw Hawaiian ʻokana   View Word  - 7171733
he Hebrew עוגב   View Word  - 5362096
hi Hindi ऑर्गन   View Word  - 5371242
hu Hungarian orgona   View Word  - 5768575 5768575_n.wav
is Icelandic orgel   View Word  - 5359568
il Iluko armonió   View Word  - 7168647
ga Irish orgán   View Word  - 5878778
ja Japanese オルガン   View Word  - 5358565 5358565_n.wav
kk Kazakh орган   View Word  - 7157771
ky Kirghiz орган   View Word  - 7157110
ko Korean 오르간   View Word  - 6876264
kj Kurdish Kurmanji org   View Word  - 5385362
ku Kurdish Sorani ئورگ   View Word  - 7140661
la Latin organum   View Word  - 5531658
lt Lithuanian vargonai   View Word  - 7170102
mg Malagasy taova   View Word  - 5443066 5443066_n.wav
mt Maltese orgni   View Word  - 6661033
mi Maori ōkena   View Word  - 7172662
mr Marathi ऑर्गन   View Word  - 5409976
mn Mongolian орган   View Word  - 7148088
no Norwegian Bokmål orgel   View Word  - 6876265
og Old Greek ὄργανον   View Word  - 7021671
or Oriya ଅର୍ଗାନ୍   View Word  - 7132758
fa Persian اُرگ   View Word  - 4614266 4614266_n.wav
pl Polish organy   View Word  - 5194519 5194519_n.wav
pt Portuguese órgão   View Word  - 6740130
pa Punjabi ਔਰਗਨ   View Word  - 5409977
qu Quechua puywanku   View Word  - 5996878 5996878_n.wav
er Romagnolo òrgheni   View Word  - 5406851
rb Romani ruga   View Word  - 7124738
ro Romanian orgă   View Word  - 5559775
se Saami orgel   View Word  - 5593688
sa Sanskrit सुषिरवंशपूर्णवाद्यं   View Word  - 5372352
cd Sardinian Campidanesu òrganu; òrgunu   View Word  - 5576075
sr Serbian оргуље   View Word  - 4936905
sk Slovak organ   View Word  - 6876266
sl Slovenian orgle   View Word  - 6876267
so Somali oorgan   View Word  - 7140662
sw Swahili organi   View Word  - 5472555
sv Swedish orgel   View Word  - 6484644
tl Tagalog órgano   View Word  - 6166408
ta Tamil ஆர்கன்   View Word  - 7140663
tt Tatar орган   View Word  - 7148089
th Thai ออร์แกน   View Word  - 6876268
ti Tigrinya ኦርጋን   View Word  - 7137704
zt Traditional Chinese 風琴   View Word  - 6876269
tr Turkish org   View Word  - 6876270
tk Turkmen organ   View Word  - 7148090
tw Twi sanku   View Word  - 7167500
uk Ukrainian орган   View Word  - 6876271
ur Urdu آرگن   View Word  - 7140664
uz Uzbek organ   View Word  - 7169663
vi Vietnamese đại phong cầm   View Word  - 6876272
cy Welsh organ   View Word  - 5878779
ji Yiddish אָרגל   View Word  - 7140665

[Subject: Medical Sciences, Medicine]

Translated in 5 languages

[Subject: Biology]

Translated by: SYLVIA VERGARA

Translated in 4 languages

[Subject: Chemistry]

Translated in 2 languages

de German Organ   View Word  - 2525621

[Subject: Law]

Translated in 2 languages

ja Japanese �@�Ö   View Word  - 1955336

[Subject: Generalities]

Translated in 2 languages

fa Persian ارگ   View Word  - 4746299

[Subject: Medical Equipment]

Translated in 2 languages

es Spanish Organ   View Word  - 2857943

[Subject: Geology, Meteorology, Hydrology]

Translated in 1 languages


[Subject: Generalities]

- A periodical containing miscellaneous pieces often illustrated

Translated by: GIANNI GAVIOLI

Translated in 119 languages

it Italian rivista; periodico; pubblicazione periodica   View Word  - 5644933
es Spanish revista   View Word  - 5645421 4834317_n.wav
fr French magazine; revue   View Word  - 4498215
de German Zeitschrift   View Word  - 5644975
ru Russian журнал; газета; периодическое издание   View Word  - 6456873
ar Arabic مجلة   View Word  - 7173758
zh Chinese 杂志   View Word  - 7173773
af Afrikaans tydskrif   View Word  - 5650577
sq Albanian revistë   View Word  - 7173770
ao Aragones rebiesta   View Word  - 5647486
hy Armenian հանդես   View Word  - 7173744
at Asturian revista   View Word  - 7173766
az Azeri (latin Script) jurnal   View Word  - 7173759
ba Bashkir журнал   View Word  - 7173760
eu Basque aldizkari   View Word  - 5645001
bd Behdini گۆڤار   View Word  - 7133915
bn Bengali; Bangla পত্রিকা; ম্যাগাজিন   View Word  - 7173753
bl Bolognese rivéssta   View Word  - 5645305
bs Bosnian časopis   View Word  - 7173754
bp Brazilian Portuguese revista   View Word  - 6691865
br Breton kelc'hgelaouenn; kelaouenn; magazin   View Word  - 5193699
bg Bulgarian списание   View Word  - 5645187
my Burmese မဂ္ဂဇင်း   View Word  - 6881759
be Byelorussian часопіс   View Word  - 7173742
cb Calabrese rivista   View Word  - 5645169
km Cambodian ទស្សនាវដ្ដី   View Word  - 7173769
ca Catalan revista   View Word  - 5645067
ce Chechen журнал   View Word  - 7173767
ck Cherokee ᎪᏪᎵ ᏗᎪᎵᏰᏗ   View Word  - 7173789
cn Cornish lyver-termyn   View Word  - 6663024
cr Cree ᐙᐙᐱᐦᒋᑳᐅᓯᓂᐦᐄᑭᓐ   View Word  - 7152513
cm Crimean Tatar mecmua   View Word  - 7173791
hr Croatian časopis   View Word  - 5645168
cs Czech časopis; magazín   View Word  - 5646432
da Danish tidsskrift   View Word  - 5647969
nl Dutch tijdschrift; weekblad; maandblad; magazine   View Word  - 5645010
eo Esperanto revuo; magazino   View Word  - 5645088
et Estonian ajakiri   View Word  - 5645036
fj Fiji mekesini   View Word  - 7131493
fi Finnish aikakauslehti   View Word  - 5645301
fy Frisian tydskrift; blêd   View Word  - 7173755
fu Furlan riviste; periodic   View Word  - 5648914
gl Galician revista   View Word  - 5644997
ka Georgian ჟურნალი   View Word  - 7173746
el Greek περιοδικό; εφημερίδα   View Word  - 5645374
kl Greenlandic atuagassiaq   View Word  - 7173795
gu Gujarati પત્રિકા   View Word  - 5379575
ha Hausa mùjállȁ   View Word  - 7173779
he Hebrew כתב עת; מגזין   View Word  - 7173749
hi Hindi पत्रिका   View Word  - 5379574 4948580_n.wav
hu Hungarian magazin   View Word  - 6108821
hu Hungarian folyóirat   View Word  - 7131537
is Icelandic tímarit   View Word  - 5650332
in Indonesian majalah   View Word  - 7173768
ie Interlingua magazin   View Word  - 7173780
ga Irish iris   View Word  - 5383271
ja Japanese 雑誌   View Word  - 5645248
kn Kannada ನಿಯತಕಾಲಿಕ   View Word  - 7173756
kk Kazakh журнал   View Word  - 7173745
ky Kirghiz журнал   View Word  - 7173781
ko Korean 잡지; 매거진   View Word  - 7173750
kj Kurdish Kurmanji kovar   View Word  - 7173790
ku Kurdish Sorani گۆڤار   View Word  - 7173792
lo Laotian ວາລະສານ   View Word  - 7173762
la Latin commentarium   View Word  - 5721114
lv Latvian žurnāls   View Word  - 5647182
lb Limburgian teidsjrif; bikske   View Word  - 5645009
lt Lithuanian žurnalas   View Word  - 7173751
lx Luxembourgish Zäitschrëft   View Word  - 7173782
ms Malay majalah   View Word  - 7173763
ml Malayalam മാസിക   View Word  - 7173743
mi Maori makahīni   View Word  - 7173783
mr Marathi पत्रिका   View Word  - 5379576
mn Mongolian сэтгүүл   View Word  - 7173784
md Mudnés rivêsta; giornêl illustrê   View Word  - 5644939
no Norwegian Bokmål tidsskrift   View Word  - 7173776
oc Occitan revista   View Word  - 7173777
pm Parmigiano rivista   View Word  - 5645014
fa Persian مجله; ژورنال   View Word  - 5645029
pi Piemontese arvista; giornal   View Word  - 5646237
pl Polish czasopismo   View Word  - 5183662
pt Portuguese revista   View Word  - 4950234
pa Punjabi ਪਤ੍ਰਿਕਾ   View Word  - 5379577
qu Quechua riwista   View Word  - 7173764
er Romagnolo arvésta   View Word  - 5566824
ra Roman giornale   View Word  - 5646920
ro Romanian revistă   View Word  - 5645205
sa Sanskrit संदेश पत्रं   View Word  - 5379578
cd Sardinian Campidanesu revista   View Word  - 5584005
gd Scots Gaelic iris   View Word  - 6680898
sr Serbian часопис   View Word  - 5648095
tn Setswana makasine   View Word  - 6231152
si Singhalese සඟරාව   View Word  - 7173757
sk Slovak časopis   View Word  - 5645024
sl Slovenian revija   View Word  - 7173765
su Sundanese majalah   View Word  - 7173771
sw Swahili jarida   View Word  - 7173785
sv Swedish tidskrift   View Word  - 5646003
tl Tagalog magasin   View Word  - 7173775
tg Tajik маҷалла   View Word  - 7173772
ta Tamil இதழ்; சஞ்சிகை   View Word  - 7173747
tt Tatar журнал   View Word  - 7173793
th Thai นิตยสาร   View Word  - 7173752
bo Tibetan དུས་དེབ   View Word  - 7173761
zt Traditional Chinese 雜誌   View Word  - 7173774
tr Turkish dergi   View Word  - 5645253 5099669_n.wav
tk Turkmen jurnal   View Word  - 7173786
tw Twi ɔsɛnkekafo   View Word  - 7173794
ug Uighur ژۇرنال   View Word  - 7173788
uk Ukrainian часопис   View Word  - 5654891
ur Urdu میگزین   View Word  - 7173787
uz Uzbek jurnal   View Word  - 7144030
va Valencian revista   View Word  - 5556604
vi Vietnamese tạp chí   View Word  - 7173748
wa Wallon rivuwe   View Word  - 7173778
cy Welsh cylchgrawn; cyfnodolyn   View Word  - 5193702
ji Yiddish פּעריִאָדישע‮ ‬אויסגאַבע; זשורנאַל; צײַטונג; וואָכנבלאַט; קוואַרטאַלניק   View Word  - 5645157
zu Zulu incwadi yokuloba izigigaba zosuku   View Word  - 6244351

[Subject: Medical Sciences, Medicine]

- The male organ of copulation. In male mammals it also functions as the channel through which urine is excreted..

Translated by: THOMAS MARSHALL

Translated in 89 languages

it Italian pene; verga; fallo   View Word  - 1708003
es Spanish pene; falo; méntula; verga   View Word  - 4358357
fr French pénis; verge; phallus   View Word  - 4361269
de German Penis   View Word  - 4224038
ru Russian пенис   View Word  - 4411949
ar Arabic ذكر; قضيب; عصا   View Word  - 2350734
zh Chinese 阴茎   View Word  - 4968704
sq Albanian penis   View Word  - 4498898
at Asturian pene   View Word  - 6855446
ay Aymara allu   View Word  - 5901328
eu Basque zakil   View Word  - 4361637
bl Bolognese uSèl; pistulén; câz; ôca   View Word  - 6182898 5121177_n.wav
bs Bosnian penis   View Word  - 6855449
bp Brazilian Portuguese pênis; falo; pinto; caralho; pau   View Word  - 4361593
bc Bresciano batàn   View Word  - 5806468
br Breton kalc'h; pidenn; lost; kastr   View Word  - 5188848
bg Bulgarian пенис   View Word  - 4361599
cb Calabrese virga   View Word  - 5701692
ca Catalan penis; verga; cigala; pixa; ninot; cuca; cuqueta; tita; titola; pardal; tronxo; fal·lus   View Word  - 4498913
cn Cornish kalgh   View Word  - 6285888
hr Croatian penis   View Word  - 4498917
cs Czech penis; pohlavní úd; pyj   View Word  - 4354215
da Danish penis   View Word  - 4498900
nl Dutch penis   View Word  - 4498909
eo Esperanto peniso; vergo   View Word  - 4047873
et Estonian peenis   View Word  - 5895720
fi Finnish siitin; مندهش   View Word  - 4361511
fy Frisian pyst   View Word  - 6855460
fu Furlan bighe   View Word  - 5636180
gl Galician pene   View Word  - 4361284
el Greek πέος   View Word  - 5049688
gn Guarani tembo   View Word  - 5256632
gu Gujarati લિંગ   View Word  - 5735261
hw Hawaiian ule   View Word  - 6855451
he Hebrew איבר הזכרות   View Word  - 5108071
hi Hindi लिंग   View Word  - 5735260
hu Hungarian pénisz; hímvesszõ   View Word  - 4361683
is Icelandic typpi; limur   View Word  - 6855452
il Iluko buto   View Word  - 6367003
in Indonesian burung; penis; titit   View Word  - 6855454
ga Irish bod; péineas   View Word  - 4275484
ja Japanese ペニス   View Word  - 5637166
jw Javanese konthol; plandhungan; manuk   View Word  - 6855464
kr Kamilaroi-gamilaraay thun   View Word  - 6513378
ko Korean 음경   View Word  - 4968713
la Latin penis   View Word  - 4275487
lv Latvian dzimumloceklis   View Word  - 6141413
le Leonese pene   View Word  - 6129220
lt Lithuanian varpa   View Word  - 6855456
lm Lombardo Occidentale pìcio; usèl   View Word  - 6309463
lf Lunfardo aparato; abrelatas   View Word  - 4363746
mg Malagasy lataka   View Word  - 4956794
ms Malay zakar; konek; pelir; kote; kotek   View Word  - 6855457
mx Manx bwoid   View Word  - 6285885
mi Maori ure   View Word  - 6855448
mp Mapunzugun pünün   View Word  - 5131584 5131584_n.wav
mb Maya ach   View Word  - 4880584
nh Nahuatl tepolli   View Word  - 6855450
nc Napulitano minchia; pesc   View Word  - 5336285
no Norwegian Bokmål penis   View Word  - 6738169
fa Persian الت مردی; ذکر; کير; آلت ذکور; آلت تناسلی مرد; آلت رجوليت   View Word  - 4594910
pj Pitjantjatjara / Yankunytjatjara kalu; tjuna; tjuri   View Word  - 6532322
pl Polish członek; penis; członek męski   View Word  - 4393434
pt Portuguese pénis; verga   View Word  - 4361591
pa Punjabi ਲੰਡ   View Word  - 5199369
qu Quechua ullu; lani; pillqo; pishqo; pingo   View Word  - 6185129
rp Rapanui kinoŋa   View Word  - 5414045 5414045_n.wav
er Romagnolo mènga   View Word  - 4943752
ra Roman pene   View Word  - 5609411
rb Romani car   View Word  - 6855455
sa Sanskrit लिङग   View Word  - 5505027
cd Sardinian Campidanesu sira; tùtturu   View Word  - 5578291
gd Scots Gaelic bod   View Word  - 6285887
sr Serbian пенис   View Word  - 4361611
tn Setswana lepele   View Word  - 6238592
sn Shona mboro   View Word  - 6855463
sc Sicilian minchia   View Word  - 4300405
sk Slovak penis   View Word  - 4364025
sl Slovenian pénis   View Word  - 4498907
su Sundanese sirit; purusa; kontol   View Word  - 6855461
sv Swedish penis   View Word  - 4354217
tl Tagalog titi; ari; alaga; burat; tarugo   View Word  - 6855458
th Thai องคชาติ   View Word  - 6301861
zt Traditional Chinese 陰莖   View Word  - 4968707
tr Turkish sik; yarak; kamış   View Word  - 6494242
va Valencian pene   View Word  - 5483797
ve Venetian oselo; cuco; tega   View Word  - 5019173
cy Welsh cala; pidyn; penis; cal; castr   View Word  - 5188850

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