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[Subject: Social Interaction]

- Espressione di buon augurio in occasione di un brindisi

  • Synonym: cincin
  • Synonym: salute

Translated in 68 languages

en English cheers; bottoms up; good health   View Word  - 2204326
es Spanish salud   View Word  - 6308195
fr French santé; tchin tchin   View Word  - 6308225
de German Prost; Prosit   View Word  - 6308667
ru Russian вздрогнем!   View Word  - 6991555
ar Arabic نخبك   View Word  - 6312380
zh Chinese 干杯   View Word  - 6310872
af Afrikaans gesondheid   View Word  - 6991645
ao Aragones salú   View Word  - 6309619
eu Basque topa!   View Word  - 6308491
bl Bolognese ala salût   View Word  - 6993238
bp Brazilian Portuguese saúde; tim-tim; viva!   View Word  - 6311596
br Breton yec'hed mat   View Word  - 5600372
cb Calabrese cin cin   View Word  - 6308218
ci Catanese a´saluti!   View Word  - 6307149
cn Cornish yeghes da   View Word  - 6308309
hr Croatian živjeli   View Word  - 6309159
cs Czech na zdraví   View Word  - 4335882
da Danish skål   View Word  - 6309372
nl Dutch proost; gezondheid   View Word  - 6308351
dt Dzoratâi santâ; à la tinna; à la voûtra   View Word  - 6308568
eo Esperanto sanon; je via sano   View Word  - 6308347
fi Finnish terveydeksi; kippis   View Word  - 6971510
fl Flemish santé; gezondheid   View Word  - 5021445
fu Furlan prosit   View Word  - 5874158
gl Galician chin-chin; saúde   View Word  - 6308320
el Greek στην υγειά μας, συγεία, γειά μας, εβίβα, άσπρο πάτο   View Word  - 6315599
he Hebrew לחיים   View Word  - 6308396
hu Hungarian egészségedre; egészségére; egészségetekre, egészségükre   View Word  - 6991956
is Icelandic skál   View Word  - 6308755
in Indonesian bersulang   View Word  - 7190071
ga Irish sláinte   View Word  - 6308298
ja Japanese 乾杯   View Word  - 4964375
ko Korean 건배; 환호; 격려   View Word  - 6308310
la Latin prosit   View Word  - 6308641
lv Latvian priekā!   View Word  - 6311406
le Leonese salú   View Word  - 6308217
ms Malay ceria   View Word  - 7190072
mp Mapunzugun küme mogen   View Word  - 6313351
md Mudnés a la salût   View Word  - 6691280
nc Napulitano aró va; â salute; mprore ve faccia   View Word  - 6308819
no Norwegian Bokmål jubel   View Word  - 7190074
nn Norwegian Nynorsk jubel   View Word  - 7190075
pd Paduan saeute; cin cin   View Word  - 6308454
pp Papiamentu salú   View Word  - 6309228
fa Persian بسلامتی , هورا   View Word  - 6312195
pl Polish na zdrowie   View Word  - 5499543
pt Portuguese tchim-tchim; saúde   View Word  - 6308578
pe Praiese cin cin   View Word  - 6993015
qu Quechua causay   View Word  - 6308996
rp Rapanui manuía   View Word  - 5414414 5414414_n.wav
rg Reggiano salut   View Word  - 6690977
ro Romanian noroc   View Word  - 6309245
gd Scots Gaelic slàinte   View Word  - 6308303
sr Serbian живели; у здравље; на искап; на здравље; ћин-ћин; на душак   View Word  - 6309449
si Singhalese වාසනාවන්   View Word  - 7133538
sk Slovak na zdravie   View Word  - 6309094
sl Slovenian na zdravje   View Word  - 2204347
sv Swedish skål   View Word  - 7190073
zt Traditional Chinese 乾杯   View Word  - 6992755
tb Triestino prosit; cin-cin   View Word  - 6308411
tr Turkish şerefe   View Word  - 6308481
ve Venetian cincin   View Word  - 6308469
vi Vietnamese ; chúc mừng   View Word  - 7190076
vi Vietnamese *salute??   View Word  - 6925878
wa Wallon al'boune vosse!   View Word  - 6309250
cy Welsh iechyd da   View Word  - 5600374

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