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Translated in 74 languages

en English corpulence; obesity   View Word  - 5974267
it Italian pinguedine; corpulenza; grassezza; obesità   View Word  - 4055373
es Spanish obesidad; corpulencia   View Word  - 5984334
fr French corpulence   View Word  - 5984335
ru Russian тучность; полнота   View Word  - 5984618
ar Arabic بدانة   View Word  - 5984578
zh Chinese 肥胖; 多脂肪   View Word  - 5984579
af Afrikaans korpulensie   View Word  - 5985169
eu Basque gizentasun; loditasun   View Word  - 5984587
bl Bolognese grâs   View Word  - 5987487
bp Brazilian Portuguese obesidade   View Word  - 5988098
bc Bresciano sonze   View Word  - 5987965
br Breton lard fall; lard marv; tevded; tevder   View Word  - 5984373
bg Bulgarian затлъстяване   View Word  - 5990695
cb Calabrese grassizza   View Word  - 5984941
ci Catanese ponchiarìa; punchizza   View Word  - 5984407
cn Cornish tewder; corfekter; braster corf; gordewder   View Word  - 5986322
ct Cosentino rossizza   View Word  - 5984422
hr Croatian pretilost   View Word  - 5984584
cs Czech otylost; obezita; tělnatost; korpulence; korpulentnost   View Word  - 5985333
da Danish fedme   View Word  - 5984390
nl Dutch corpulentie; zwaarlijvigheid   View Word  - 5984424
eo Esperanto obezeco; diketco   View Word  - 5984368
et Estonian korpulentsus; lihavus; tüsedus   View Word  - 5984940
fi Finnish lihavuus   View Word  - 5984369
fl Flemish corpulentie; zwaarlijvigheid   View Word  - 5984345
fu Furlan complen; penç; corpulent; gras   View Word  - 5984926
gl Galician corpulencia   View Word  - 5988090
ka Georgian სიმსუქნე   View Word  - 6167382
el Greek παχυσαρκία; στεατοπυγία   View Word  - 5986817
gr Griko Salentino liparò   View Word  - 5987624
gn Guarani rekokyra; kyravai; kyrareko; kyrameme   View Word  - 6171840
he Hebrew שומן   View Word  - 5984799
hi Hindi स्थूलता   View Word  - 5989491
hu Hungarian kövérség; hájasság   View Word  - 5984577
is Icelandic fita   View Word  - 5984413
in Indonesian kegemukan   View Word  - 7187975
ja Japanese 肥満(ひまん)   View Word  - 7187977
ld Judeo-spanish puerpudeza   View Word  - 5991049
kk Kazakh семізділік   View Word  - 5984671
ko Korean 비만; 비대   View Word  - 5984365
lc Ladin Stagn; sourapeis   View Word  - 5984349
la Latin pinquitudo   View Word  - 5001105
lv Latvian korpulence   View Word  - 5985437
lb Limburgian zwaurlijvighèts; papzakkighèts   View Word  - 5984348
ms Malay kegemukan   View Word  - 7187976
mo Mokshan echkae   View Word  - 5984621
md Mudnés cèccia   View Word  - 5987473
nc Napulitano chiattimma   View Word  - 5985018
no Norwegian Bokmål fedme   View Word  - 7187978
nn Norwegian Nynorsk overvekt   View Word  - 7187979
pd Paduan corpulensa; grassessa   View Word  - 5986046
pp Papiamentu obesidat   View Word  - 5984411
fa Persian چا قی بسیار   View Word  - 5986448
pg Perugino pinguedine   View Word  - 5984686
pl Polish otyłość   View Word  - 5987532
pt Portuguese corpulência   View Word  - 5984358
ra Roman grassezza; ciccioneria   View Word  - 5987573
rb Romani thulipe   View Word  - 6167356
ro Romanian obezitate   View Word  - 5987917
sj Sammarinese grasæzza   View Word  - 5984808
sr Serbian дебљина; развијеност; корпулентност   View Word  - 5984860
sc Sicilian grassìzza   View Word  - 5988640
sv Swedish fetma   View Word  - 5993438
th Thai ความอ้วน; โรคอ้วน   View Word  - 5988087
zt Traditional Chinese 肥胖; 多脂肪   View Word  - 5984580
tb Triestino s'gionfeza; corpulenza; avuardupuà   View Word  - 5988509
um Umbro-sabino cuorpulienzia   View Word  - 5984683
vi Vietnamese béo phì   View Word  - 7187974
cy Welsh boliogrwydd; corffolaeth; gordewdra; corffoledd; gordewder; cestogrwydd; tewdra; corffogrwydd   View Word  - 5984372
xh Xhosa ubunquku   View Word  - 6228177
ze Zeneize grascessa   View Word  - 5984360
zu Zulu ukukhuluphala, ukuzimuka   View Word  - 6221733

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