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[Subject: Public Administration]

- Of, or as recorded in, a cadastre.


Translated in 12 languages

- A cadastre (also spelled cadaster) is a register of the real property of a country, with details of the area, the owners and the value.

The word came into English by way of French and Italian, variously attributed to the Late Latin capitastrum, a register of the poll tax, and the Greek katastikhon, a list or register, from kata stikhon, literally, "down the line" in the sense of "line by line."

It gives rise to the adjective cadastral, used in surveying and public administration, and referring to the division of land into units for surveying, taxation or administrative purposes. Cadastral units may include counties, parishes, ridings, hundreds, or blocks.

Translated by: GUEST USER

Translated in 4 languages

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