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[Subject: Generalities]

Translated in 2 languages

fa Persian اسباب بازى   View Word  - 4752350 4752351_n.wav

[Subject: Social Processes]

- A person treated as amusing but umimportant


Translated in 1 languages


[Subject: Generalities]

- An object for the amusement of children

  • Etymology: From Middle English toye (sport)

Translated in 138 languages

it Italian giocattolo   View Word  - 394332 394332_n.wav
es Spanish juguete   View Word  - 947038 947038_n.wav
fr French jouet   View Word  - 947034 947034_n.wav
de German Spielzeug   View Word  - 947036 947036_n.wav
ru Russian игрушка   View Word  - 4818458 4818458_n.wav
ar Arabic لُعْب   View Word  - 4880001 4880001_n.wav
zh Chinese 玩具   View Word  - 4716819 4716819_n.wav
af Afrikaans speelding   View Word  - 5549301 5549301_n.wav
sq Albanian lodër   View Word  - 5411566
ao Aragones chuguete   View Word  - 4928110
ah Asháninka noneatsata   View Word  - 6867837
at Asturian xuguete   View Word  - 5069541
ay Aymara anataña   View Word  - 5947952 5947952_n.wav
ae Azeri (arabic Script) ويونجاق   View Word  - 5057204
az Azeri (latin Script) oyunacaq   View Word  - 4907866
ba Bashkir уйынсык   View Word  - 6633990
eu Basque jostailu   View Word  - 4944770
bf Berber ⴰⵍⴻⵍⵍⵓⵛ   View Word  - 7138214
bl Bolognese zuglén   View Word  - 5121153 5121153_n.wav
bp Brazilian Portuguese brinquedo   View Word  - 4514585 4514585_n.wav
bc Bresciano barbaj   View Word  - 5267711 5267711_n.wav
br Breton c'hoariell; bitrak   View Word  - 4929836
bg Bulgarian играчка   View Word  - 5128811
my Burmese ကစားစရာ   View Word  - 6881593
be Byelorussian цацка   View Word  - 4909480 4909480_n.wav
cb Calabrese giocattulu   View Word  - 4974075
ca Catalan joguina; joguet   View Word  - 4271993
ce Chechen загӀбагӀне   View Word  - 7154945
ck Cherokee ᏗᏂᏲᎵ ᏧᎾᏁᎸᏙᏗ   View Word  - 7153320
cn Cornish gwariell   View Word  - 6150557
cr Cree ᒣᑕᐗᑳᐣ; ᒫᑎᐙᑭᓐᐦ   View Word  - 7152510
cm Crimean Tatar oyuncaq   View Word  - 6790831
hr Croatian igracka   View Word  - 4272083 4272083_n.wav
cs Czech hračka   View Word  - 4998853 4998853_n.wav
da Danish legftøj   View Word  - 5029382 5029382_n.wav
nl Dutch speelgoed; speeltje   View Word  - 4950376 4950376_n.wav
dt Dzoratâi bibi   View Word  - 5196931
eo Esperanto ludilo   View Word  - 3966736 3966736_n.wav
et Estonian mänguasi; lelu   View Word  - 5574755 5574755_n.wav
fi Finnish lelu; leikkikalu   View Word  - 4878202 4878202_n.wav
fl Flemish speelgoed; spelletje   View Word  - 4950377 4950377_n.wav
fy Frisian boartersguod   View Word  - 5128414
fu Furlan zugatul   View Word  - 6357030
gl Galician xoguete; enredo; tareco; tarequiño   View Word  - 5069840
el Greek παιχνίδι   View Word  - 5028182 5028182_n.wav
kl Greenlandic pinnguaq   View Word  - 7138697
gn Guarani apo; ñeva’anga; toryrã   View Word  - 5351546 5351546_n.wav
gu Gujarati રમકડું   View Word  - 4994487
hw Hawaiian milimili   View Word  - 7171975
he Hebrew צעצוע   View Word  - 5099259
hi Hindi खिलौना   View Word  - 4947357 4947357_n.wav
hu Hungarian játék   View Word  - 4272009 4272009_n.wav
is Icelandic leikfang   View Word  - 5007798
il Iluko abalbaláy   View Word  - 7168853
in Indonesian mainan   View Word  - 4534071
iu Innu metuakan   View Word  - 5667215 5667215_n.wav
ie Interlingua joculo   View Word  - 6656342
ik Inupiak piuraaq   View Word  - 7136315
ga Irish bréagán   View Word  - 4541076
ja Japanese 玩具   View Word  - 4810086 4810086_n.wav
ld Judeo-spanish djugete   View Word  - 5221680
kk Kazakh ойыншык   View Word  - 6633992
ky Kirghiz оюнчук   View Word  - 6633993
ki Konknni खेळत्सो सामान   View Word  - 5122220
ko Korean 장난감   View Word  - 4946028 4946028_n.wav
kj Kurdish Kurmanji lîstok   View Word  - 5385199
ku Kurdish Sorani بووکه شووشه   View Word  - 5025700
lc Ladin jüch   View Word  - 5183093
lo Laotian ຂອງຫຼິ້ນ   View Word  - 7183207
la Latin ludus; lusus   View Word  - 4271989
lv Latvian rotallieta   View Word  - 4549593
le Leonese xuguete   View Word  - 5100977
lb Limburgian sjpeelgood; sjpeeltuug; sjpeelzakes   View Word  - 4971457
lt Lithuanian žaislas   View Word  - 7170269
lm Lombardo Occidentale giugattol   View Word  - 5100793
mk Macedonian играчка   View Word  - 5110385
mg Malagasy kilalao   View Word  - 4956760 4956760_n.wav
ms Malay barang mainan   View Word  - 5125725
mt Maltese ġugarell   View Word  - 6690837
mv Mantuan soeugh   View Word  - 4924481
mi Maori mea tākaro   View Word  - 5190075
mp Mapunzugun püjümkantuwe   View Word  - 5119808 5119808_n.wav
mr Marathi खेळणें   View Word  - 5094078
mf Maasai entoki naiguranie ngera   View Word  - 5822794 5822794_n.wav
mq Mirandolese zugatul   View Word  - 6788076
mn Mongolian тоглоом   View Word  - 5123467
mm Moravian špračka   View Word  - 7173928
md Mudnés giocatol   View Word  - 4890320
nc Napulitano pazzièlla   View Word  - 5102310
no Norwegian Bokmål leke   View Word  - 4212873
oc Occitan joguet; joguina; fadejòla   View Word  - 4929878
og Old Greek παιζον   View Word  - 4912908
or Oriya ଖେଳନା   View Word  - 7132520
pm Parmigiano bilen   View Word  - 5066064
fa Persian اسباب بازى   View Word  - 4752351 4752351_n.wav
pi Piemontese dësmora   View Word  - 4903721
pj Pitjantjatjara / Yankunytjatjara tuwi   View Word  - 6545974
pl Polish zabawka   View Word  - 4870680 4870680_n.wav
pt Portuguese brinquedo   View Word  - 4898016
pa Punjabi ਖਡੌਣਾ   View Word  - 5018123
qu Quechua pujllana   View Word  - 5190563 5190563_n.wav
rg Reggiano blèin   View Word  - 5101865
er Romagnolo zugléin   View Word  - 4271991
rb Romani kheliben; špilo   View Word  - 7124933
ro Romanian jucărie   View Word  - 4888356 4888356_n.wav
se Saami duhkoras; stoagus   View Word  - 5589404
sm Samoan meata'alo   View Word  - 5183498
sa Sanskrit क्रीडाद्रव्यं   View Word  - 5372890
ls Sardinian (limba Sarda Unificada) zizìu   View Word  - 5101409
gd Scots Gaelic toidh   View Word  - 6562179
sr Serbian играчка   View Word  - 4824718 4824718_n.wav
tn Setswana thoe   View Word  - 6182429
sn Shona toyi   View Word  - 5122695
sc Sicilian giocattulu   View Word  - 5855927
sk Slovak hracka   View Word  - 4520572
sl Slovenian igrača   View Word  - 4967321
sw Swahili kitu cha kuchezea   View Word  - 5472413
sv Swedish leksak   View Word  - 4574901 4574901_n.wav
gs Swiss German Schpilzüg   View Word  - 4902369
tl Tagalog laruán   View Word  - 7168992
tt Tatar уйынчык   View Word  - 6633996
th Thai ของเล่น   View Word  - 4997944 4997944_n.wav
ti Tigrinya መጻወቲ   View Word  - 7137905
zt Traditional Chinese 玩具; cerusita   View Word  - 4808052 4808052_n.wav
tb Triestino zogàtolo   View Word  - 5264472
tr Turkish oyuncak   View Word  - 4581573 4581573_n.wav
tk Turkmen oýunjak   View Word  - 4933735
ug Uighur ئويۇنچۇق   View Word  - 6633994
uk Ukrainian іграшка   View Word  - 4889300
uz Uzbek o'yinchoq   View Word  - 6633995
va Valencian joguet   View Word  - 5112799
ve Venetian zugatolo   View Word  - 4868223
vs Viestano sciucaridd'   View Word  - 5121377
vi Vietnamese đồ chơi   View Word  - 6880238
vo Volapuk pledadinem   View Word  - 6790832
cy Welsh tegan   View Word  - 5010608
ze Zeneize demöa   View Word  - 5095547

Translated in 2 languages

fr French l'aerateur   View Word  - 947493

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