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[Subject: Generalities]

- für einen gegebenen Zweck nicht qualifiziert oder geeignet

Translated by: HENDRIK LÜBBEN

Translated in 71 languages

en English incompetent; incapable; unqualified ; half-arsed; spastic   View Word  - 5884522
it Italian incompetente; impreparato; inesperto   View Word  - 5884521
es Spanish incompetente; incapaz; inepto   View Word  - 5884564
fr French incompétent; incapable   View Word  - 5891335
ru Russian некомпетентный; неграмотный; неумелый   View Word  - 5885287
ar Arabic عاجز; غير مؤهل   View Word  - 5885026
af Afrikaans onbekwaam; onbevoeg   View Word  - 7085293
ao Aragones incompetén ; incapable   View Word  - 5885043
eu Basque ezgauza; ezgai   View Word  - 5884607
bn Bengali; Bangla অসমর্থ   View Word  - 5799187
bl Bolognese inconpetänt; brîSa bån   View Word  - 5884654
bp Brazilian Portuguese incompetente   View Word  - 7085629
br Breton divarrek   View Word  - 6846154
bg Bulgarian некомпетентен   View Word  - 5886508
cb Calabrese 'ncumpitente   View Word  - 5024257
hr Croatian nesposoban   View Word  - 5884590
cs Czech nekompetentní; neschopný; nekvalifikovaný   View Word  - 5885273
da Danish uduelig; inkompetent   View Word  - 5884624
nl Dutch onbekwaam   View Word  - 5884702
dt Dzoratâi incapâblyo   View Word  - 5891614
eo Esperanto nekompetenta; malkompetenta   View Word  - 3983901
et Estonian ebakompetentne, asjatundmatu   View Word  - 5885016
fn Fanese incumpetent   View Word  - 5884618
fi Finnish epäpätevä; taitamaton   View Word  - 5885510
fl Flemish onbekwaam; incompetent; ongeschikt   View Word  - 5884635
fu Furlan incompetent   View Word  - 5885306
el Greek ανίκανος-η-ο   View Word  - 5888244
gu Gujarati અસમર્થ   View Word  - 5591689
he Hebrew לא מוכשר   View Word  - 5884823
hi Hindi असमर्थ, अयोग्य   View Word  - 5591687
hu Hungarian nem illetékes; inkompetens; alkalmatlan   View Word  - 5884795
is Icelandic óhæfur   View Word  - 7193771
in Indonesian tidak kompeten   View Word  - 7193768
ja Japanese 無能な   View Word  - 7193770
ko Korean 무능한, 부적당한, 무자격의   View Word  - 5885266
la Latin indoctus; rudis; peregrinus   View Word  - 5884976
lv Latvian nekompetents   View Word  - 5885275
lb Limburgian onbekwaom   View Word  - 5884636
lt Lithuanian nemokantis; nesugebantis; nekompetentingas;   View Word  - 5884989
ms Malay tidak cekap   View Word  - 7193769
mt Maltese Inkompetenti   View Word  - 5890555
mr Marathi असमर्थ   View Word  - 5591688
mo Mokshan af mashtij; af konjdaestij   View Word  - 5885288
md Mudnés ignorânt   View Word  - 5884689
nc Napulitano scapace   View Word  - 5884978
no Norwegian Bokmål inkompetent   View Word  - 7193772
nn Norwegian Nynorsk inkompetent   View Word  - 7193773
pd Paduan incompetente, ignorante   View Word  - 7085941
pp Papiamentu inkompetente; inkapas   View Word  - 7085292
fa Persian نامناسب   View Word  - 5591686
pi Piemontese incompetent; nen bon   View Word  - 5886060
pl Polish niekompetentny   View Word  - 5523405
pa Punjabi ਅਸਮਰਥ   View Word  - 5591690
ro Romanian incompetent   View Word  - 7085296
sj Sammarinese ignurènt; sumàr; sgrazièd   View Word  - 5884688
sa Sanskrit अक्षम   View Word  - 5591691
cd Sardinian Campidanesu ki no est bonu; innyoranti; pagu spertu   View Word  - 5884620
gd Scots Gaelic neo-chomasach   View Word  - 6846155
tn Setswana go sa nonofa; go sa lekana   View Word  - 6229688
sc Sicilian 'ncompetenti; 'gnoranti   View Word  - 5884627
sv Swedish inkompetent   View Word  - 5889877
zt Traditional Chinese 無能的   View Word  - 7193774
tr Turkish yetersiz; yetkin olmayan   View Word  - 5884581
uk Ukrainian некомпетентний   View Word  - 5884601
um Umbro-sabino incumpetente   View Word  - 5884696
va Valencian incompetent; incapaç; inepte   View Word  - 7089221
ve Venetian potacion; ignorante   View Word  - 4994409
vi Vietnamese không đủ năng lực   View Word  - 7193767
cy Welsh anghymwys   View Word  - 6846153
zu Zulu ngazi; ngenamandla; ngenakhono   View Word  - 6238221

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