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[Subject: Generalities]

- Attitudine a offendere, a fare del male agli altri

Translated by: GIANNI GAVIOLI

Translated in 62 languages

en English malevolence   View Word  - 5871314
es Spanish maldad; malicia; perfidia; perversidad; malevolencia   View Word  - 5657976
fr French méchanceté; cruauté; malignité; malveillance   View Word  - 5657974
de German Bosheit; Bösartigkeit; Gemeinheit; Niederträchtigkeit; Gehässigkeit   View Word  - 5498154
ru Russian недоброжелательность; враждебность; недружелюбие   View Word  - 5871883
ar Arabic شراسة   View Word  - 1904144
af Afrikaans kwaadwilligheid   View Word  - 5872207
sq Albanian ligësi   View Word  - 4617326
ao Aragones maldá ; malizia ; endinidá ; perbersidá ; malquerenzia   View Word  - 5872376
eu Basque gaiztakeria; txarkeria   View Word  - 5871889
bn Bengali; Bangla দুষ্টািম   View Word  - 5400573
bp Brazilian Portuguese maldade   View Word  - 6710981
br Breton drougrañs   View Word  - 5871395
bg Bulgarian недоброжелателност   View Word  - 5871349
cb Calabrese malignità; mala   View Word  - 4989346
ca Catalan maldat   View Word  - 5784928
hr Croatian zluradost   View Word  - 5871873
cs Czech zlovolnost; zlomyslnost; zlá vůle; nenávist; škodolibost   View Word  - 5872806
da Danish ondskab   View Word  - 5872866
nl Dutch boosaardigheid; ondeugendheid; hatelijkheid   View Word  - 5657977
eo Esperanto malbonvolo; malico; perverseco   View Word  - 3882790
et Estonian pahatahtlikkus   View Word  - 5871345
fi Finnish ilkeys   View Word  - 4877408
fl Flemish kwaadaardigheid; slechtheid; slechte inborst   View Word  - 5876658
fu Furlan tristerie   View Word  - 5871358
gl Galician maldade   View Word  - 6946699
el Greek κακεντρέχεια   View Word  - 5871957
gn Guarani ñañangue   View Word  - 5440230
gu Gujarati દુષ્ટતા   View Word  - 5187339
he Hebrew רוע   View Word  - 5871375
hi Hindi दुष्टता   View Word  - 5187341
hu Hungarian rosszindulat   View Word  - 5872029
ko Korean 악의(적인 행동), 적의   View Word  - 5871402
la Latin malitia; malignitas   View Word  - 5871482
lv Latvian nenovīdība   View Word  - 5872861
lb Limburgian koj zin; slaechte wil; ondiëntighèts; haotelekhèts   View Word  - 5876656
lt Lithuanian piktavališkumas; piktdžiuga;   View Word  - 5871871
mt Maltese tghajjen   View Word  - 5871926
mp Mapunzugun üñfi   View Word  - 5132035 5132035_n.wav
mr Marathi चांडाली   View Word  - 5400574
mo Mokshan af jalgaksshi   View Word  - 5871881
md Mudnés cativéria   View Word  - 5157398
nc Napulitano marvasìa, nfamità, nfammarìa   View Word  - 5872628
no Norwegian Bokmål ondskap   View Word  - 6504519
nu Nuorese malèsa   View Word  - 5874074
fa Persian بدسگالی; شرارت; موذيگری   View Word  - 4740748
pi Piemontese gramissia   View Word  - 4941525
pl Polish złośliwość   View Word  - 5871549
pt Portuguese maldade   View Word  - 5871342
pa Punjabi ਦੁਸ਼ਟਤਾ   View Word  - 5187345
ro Romanian răutate   View Word  - 5871400
sa Sanskrit दौर्जन्यं   View Word  - 5400575
cd Sardinian Campidanesu malesa; malidadi   View Word  - 5556363
sr Serbian злоба   View Word  - 5874111
sc Sicilian marvaggità   View Word  - 5875126
sv Swedish elakhet; ondska   View Word  - 4530343
um Umbro-sabino tristisia   View Word  - 5872039
wa Wallon Mètchanceté   View Word  - 5871778
cy Welsh drwgewyllys   View Word  - 5871394
ji Yiddish rishes   View Word  - 5872019
ze Zeneize grammixe; cattivëia   View Word  - 5441047

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