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[Subject: Generalities]

Translated by: CARLO NICOLO


Translated in 122 languages

en English stick   View Word  - 605944 605944_n.wav
it Italian bastone   View Word  - 386589 386589_n.wav
es Spanish bastón   View Word  - 672798 672798_n.wav
fr French bâton   View Word  - 5312975 5312975_n.wav
de German Stock; Stab   View Word  - 5312976 5312976_n.wav
ru Russian палка   View Word  - 5330157
ar Arabic عصا   View Word  - 4198295
zh Chinese ; 手杖   View Word  - 5576284
af Afrikaans stok   View Word  - 5549390 5549390_n.wav
sq Albanian bastun   View Word  - 4796274
ao Aragones gayata   View Word  - 6361010
ah Asháninka cotiquiirontsi   View Word  - 6867742
ay Aymara thujru   View Word  - 5812898 5812898_n.wav
az Azeri (latin Script) əl ağacı   View Word  - 7154543
ba Bashkir таяҡ   View Word  - 7154546
eu Basque makila   View Word  - 5993442
bf Berber ⴰⵄⴻⴽⴽⴰⵣ   View Word  - 7138169
bh Bihari बौकड़ी; छकनी; छड़ी; डण्टा   View Word  - 7130744
br Breton bazh; penn-bazh   View Word  - 5993039
bg Bulgarian пръчка   View Word  - 6879498
my Burmese တောင်ဝေး   View Word  - 6882242
cb Calabrese vastuna; palu   View Word  - 4985509
ca Catalan bastó; vara   View Word  - 5312982
cc Caterisano vastuni   View Word  - 6676828
ck Cherokee ᎦᎾᏍᏓ   View Word  - 7153283
cr Cree ᓴᐢᑲᐦᐅᐣ   View Word  - 7155705
hr Croatian palica   View Word  - 6879499
cs Czech hůl   View Word  - 6125571
da Danish kæp   View Word  - 6879500
dr Dari چوب دستی   View Word  - 7140119
do Dioula ߞߊ߬ߙߊ߬   View Word  - 7126672
nl Dutch stok   View Word  - 5312987 5312987_n.wav
eo Esperanto bastono   View Word  - 3860289 3860289_n.wav
et Estonian kepp   View Word  - 5574601 5574601_n.wav
fj Fiji tabanikau   View Word  - 7131738
fi Finnish keppi   View Word  - 4651836 4651836_n.wav
fl Flemish stok   View Word  - 5567177 5567177_n.wav
fy Frisian stôk; gongelstôk   View Word  - 7171117
gl Galician caxato; bastón   View Word  - 4658310
el Greek ραβδί   View Word  - 6836680
kl Greenlandic ajaappiaq   View Word  - 7138629
gn Guarani pokoka; yvyra popegua   View Word  - 5350308
gu Gujarati લાકડી   View Word  - 5373950
hw Hawaiian koʻokoʻo   View Word  - 7171911
he Hebrew מקל   View Word  - 5312974
hi Hindi छड़ी   View Word  - 5371413
ho Hmong qws   View Word  - 6868554
hu Hungarian bot   View Word  - 4945774 4945774_n.wav
il Iluko sarukód   View Word  - 7168797
iu Innu shashkautan   View Word  - 7153500
ga Irish bata   View Word  - 5546374
ja Japanese こん棒   View Word  - 5358246 5358246_n.wav
kk Kazakh таяқ   View Word  - 7158256
ky Kirghiz таяк   View Word  - 7157359
ko Korean 막대기   View Word  - 6879501
kj Kurdish Kurmanji ço   View Word  - 5385162
ku Kurdish Sorani چۆڤ   View Word  - 7154544
lo Laotian ໄມ້ສ້າວ   View Word  - 7183169
la Latin pertica; bastum; baculum; fustis; hasta; hastile   View Word  - 4913810
lv Latvian nûja; koks; spietis; zizlis   View Word  - 386594
lt Lithuanian lazda   View Word  - 5658612
mg Malagasy tahon-kazo   View Word  - 5443058 5443058_n.wav
mt Maltese bastun; għasluġ   View Word  - 6690511
mi Maori tokotoko   View Word  - 7172829
mp Mapunzugun rexü   View Word  - 5120919 5120919_n.wav
mr Marathi छडी   View Word  - 5373951
mf Maasai eng'udi; esiere   View Word  - 5822138 5822138_n.wav
mb Maya xoolte'   View Word  - 7154231
mq Mirandolese bastoṅ   View Word  - 6789050
mo Mokshan байдек   View Word  - 7176795
mn Mongolian алхах мод   View Word  - 7154545
mm Moravian balda   View Word  - 7172261
md Mudnés bastòun   View Word  - 5138688
ne Nepali लठ्ठी   View Word  - 7170658
ni Nissart bastoun   View Word  - 6273780
no Norwegian Bokmål kjepp   View Word  - 6879502
og Old Greek βακθηρία; ῥάβδος   View Word  - 6700533
or Oriya ବାଡି   View Word  - 7132641
ps Pashto; Pushto امسا   View Word  - 7142164
fa Persian عصا   View Word  - 5317914 5317914_n.wav
pi Piemontese baston   View Word  - 4945776
pj Pitjantjatjara / Yankunytjatjara punu; ngana   View Word  - 6518566
pl Polish kij   View Word  - 4672116 4672116_n.wav
pt Portuguese pau   View Word  - 6879503
pa Punjabi ਛਿੱਟੀ   View Word  - 5373952
qu Quechua tawna; taana   View Word  - 5996819 5996819_n.wav
rg Reggiano bastòun   View Word  - 5579318
er Romagnolo bastòun   View Word  - 5701883
rb Romani štoko; ruj   View Word  - 7124828
ro Romanian băţ   View Word  - 6879504
se Saami soabbi   View Word  - 5588499
sa Sanskrit दण्डः   View Word  - 5373953
cd Sardinian Campidanesu fusti   View Word  - 5552845
lg Sardinian Logudoresu bacchiddu; bastone; fuste   View Word  - 5573491
sh Schwäbisch Schtecka; Schtock   View Word  - 6457239
gd Scots Gaelic maide   View Word  - 6565229
sr Serbian палица   View Word  - 6879505
sf Shipibo quecóti   View Word  - 6867993
sc Sicilian bastuni   View Word  - 4951470
si Singhalese පොල්ල   View Word  - 7134127
sk Slovak palica   View Word  - 4588016
sl Slovenian palica   View Word  - 6879506
sw Swahili fimbo; bakora   View Word  - 5472675
sv Swedish käpp   View Word  - 2349010
tt Tatar таяк   View Word  - 7154547
th Thai ไม้เท้า   View Word  - 6879507
ti Tigrinya በትሪ   View Word  - 7137862
tf Tiwi panka; wulingaringa   View Word  - 7130286
zt Traditional Chinese   View Word  - 6879508
tr Turkish asa   View Word  - 6879509
tk Turkmen taýak; hasa   View Word  - 7154548
tw Twi poma; abaa   View Word  - 7167591
uk Ukrainian патик; кий   View Word  - 5394074
uz Uzbek govron; kaltak; gavron   View Word  - 7143793
va Valencian bastó   View Word  - 5151879
ve Venetian baston   View Word  - 4945775
vi Vietnamese gậy   View Word  - 6879510
wa Wallon baston   View Word  - 5669149
cy Welsh ffon   View Word  - 5546375
ze Zeneize bacco   View Word  - 5120211
zu Zulu induku   View Word  - 7177585

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