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[Subject: Generalities]

Translated in 60 languages

en English stutter   View Word  - 594682
it Italian ciangottare; tartagliare; balbettare; bofonchiare; farfugliare; biascicare; cianfrugliare   View Word  - 2247349 2247349_n.wav
es Spanish balbucear   View Word  - 5959080
fr French balbutier; bégayer; gazouiller   View Word  - 5959081
de German stammeln; lallen; stottern   View Word  - 5913036
ru Russian заикаться; запинаться   View Word  - 5959248
ar Arabic هَذِرَ   View Word  - 4217831
af Afrikaans hakkel   View Word  - 5963365
sq Albanian belbëzoj   View Word  - 4654950
ay Aymara khakhaña   View Word  - 6368068
eu Basque zezeldu   View Word  - 5959306
br Breton begeliat   View Word  - 5959495
bg Bulgarian пелтеча; заеквам   View Word  - 5959480
cb Calabrese farfuglià   View Word  - 5960247
cn Cornish stlevy; hokkya   View Word  - 5959265
hr Croatian mucati   View Word  - 5959194
cs Czech breptat; blábolit   View Word  - 5959575
da Danish stamme   View Word  - 7194328
da Danish lalle   View Word  - 5913034
nl Dutch stamelen   View Word  - 5959159
dt Dzoratâi babolâ   View Word  - 5959078
eo Esperanto balbuti   View Word  - 3888863
fi Finnish sopertaa   View Word  - 5959519
fi Finnish änkyttää   View Word  - 7194324
fl Flemish stotteren; stamelen; doddelen   View Word  - 5959810
fu Furlan trabascjâ   View Word  - 5959642
gl Galician tatexar   View Word  - 5959065
el Greek τραυλίζω   View Word  - 5959380
he Hebrew לגמגם   View Word  - 5962578
hu Hungarian hebeg; motyog; dadog   View Word  - 5959341
is Icelandic stama   View Word  - 5959387
in Indonesian gagap   View Word  - 7194322
ja Japanese どもる; 口ごもる   View Word  - 7194325
ko Korean 불꽃/침/게거품을 튀기다.   View Word  - 5959077
lc Ladin groforé   View Word  - 5962217
la Latin balbutire   View Word  - 5959464
lv Latvian stostīties   View Word  - 5960708
lb Limburgian staomele   View Word  - 5959809
ms Malay gagap   View Word  - 7194323
mt Maltese tgedwed   View Word  - 5961345
mo Mokshan moknams; letjnaems   View Word  - 5959249
md Mudnés farfugliêr   View Word  - 5959483
nc Napulitano sfarfuglià   View Word  - 5959281
no Norwegian Bokmål stamme   View Word  - 7194327
no Norwegian Bokmål lalle   View Word  - 5913033
nn Norwegian Nynorsk stamme   View Word  - 7194326
pi Piemontese tartajé; gasojé; ciarabaté   View Word  - 5961782
pl Polish dukać   View Word  - 4718938
pt Portuguese tartamelar; gaguejar; tartamudear; balbuciar   View Word  - 4184814
ro Romanian bâlbâi   View Word  - 5960489
sc Sicilian 'nŧrugghiàri; chicchiàri; tartagghiàri   View Word  - 5960746
sv Swedish sluddra; tala med gröt i munnen; lalla; ha gröt i munnen   View Word  - 5913032
tb Triestino tartaiar   View Word  - 5959478
tr Turkish kekelemek; abuklamak   View Word  - 5962223
uk Ukrainian заїкатися   View Word  - 5962228
um Umbro-sabino ciangottà   View Word  - 5959498
vi Vietnamese nói lắp   View Word  - 7194321
cy Welsh cecial   View Word  - 5959070
ze Zeneize ciarbottâ   View Word  - 5959184

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