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Translated by: ANNELI KAVALD

Translated in 70 languages

en English confetti   View Word  - 5991840
it Italian coriandolo   View Word  - 5991839
es Spanish confeti   View Word  - 5994575
fr French confetti   View Word  - 5994576
de German Konfetti   View Word  - 5991920
ru Russian конфетти   View Word  - 5991918
ar Arabic أقراص ورق صغيرة   View Word  - 4639723
zh Chinese 五彩纸屑   View Word  - 5992029
eu Basque konfeti   View Word  - 5991886
bl Bolognese curiàndel   View Word  - 5992523
bp Brazilian Portuguese confetis   View Word  - 5994959
bc Bresciano curiandoj   View Word  - 5994582
br Breton koñfeti   View Word  - 5994853
bg Bulgarian конфети   View Word  - 5993272
ci Catanese coriannuli   View Word  - 5991947
cn Cornish glaw paper; del paper; delyow paper   View Word  - 5993427
ct Cosentino curiannuli   View Word  - 5994637
hr Croatian konfeti   View Word  - 5992770
cs Czech konfety   View Word  - 5994729
da Danish konfetti   View Word  - 5991872
nl Dutch confetti   View Word  - 5991973
dt Dzoratâi confètî   View Word  - 5994857
eo Esperanto konfetoj   View Word  - 4619597
fi Finnish silppu, sirpale   View Word  - 5994677
fl Flemish confetti   View Word  - 5991940
fu Furlan curiandul   View Word  - 5571328
gl Galician confeti   View Word  - 5994626
el Greek κονφετί   View Word  - 5991875
gr Griko Salentino konfetti   View Word  - 5995320
he Hebrew כתמומי ניר ססגוניים   View Word  - 5993409
hu Hungarian konfetti   View Word  - 5991879
is Icelandic konfetti   View Word  - 7194546
in Indonesian konfeti   View Word  - 7194543
ja Japanese 色紙片; 紙ふぶき; 紙テープ   View Word  - 7194545
ld Judeo-spanish konfeti   View Word  - 5995176
kk Kazakh конфетти   View Word  - 5992764
ko Korean 색종이 조각, 사탕/캔디   View Word  - 5991862
la Latin frustula chartacea   View Word  - 5992146
lv Latvian konfeti   View Word  - 5992906
lb Limburgian konfètti   View Word  - 5991941
ms Malay konfeti   View Word  - 7194544
mt Maltese karti tal-marc   View Word  - 5992813
mo Mokshan konfetit   View Word  - 5991919
md Mudnés coriàndol   View Word  - 5184069
nc Napulitano curiànnolo   View Word  - 5991984
no Norwegian Bokmål konfetti   View Word  - 7194547
nn Norwegian Nynorsk konfetti   View Word  - 7194548
pd Paduan coriandoeo   View Word  - 5991904
pp Papiamentu konfèti   View Word  - 5992587
fa Persian کاغذ رنگارنگ مراسم جشن   View Word  - 5992761
pi Piemontese coriàndola   View Word  - 5991871
pt Portuguese confetis   View Word  - 5991990
rg Reggiano curiàndul   View Word  - 5994016
er Romagnolo curiàndal   View Word  - 5605165
ro Romanian confeti; confete   View Word  - 5992254
sj Sammarinese curièndl   View Word  - 5991922
sr Serbian конфете: Мала парчад обојеног папира који се баца около приликом разних прослава   View Word  - 5992008
sc Sicilian pittìddi   View Word  - 5995353
sk Slovak konfety   View Word  - 4831182
sv Swedish konfetti   View Word  - 4635259
zt Traditional Chinese 五彩紙屑   View Word  - 5992030
tb Triestino coriandoli   View Word  - 5991910
tr Turkish konfeti   View Word  - 5189141
um Umbro-sabino curiannuli: dichitti de carta culurata que se tiranu pe' juocu adduossu a re pirsone duranne re feste de carnoale   View Word  - 5992826
vi Vietnamese hoa giấy; công-phét-ti   View Word  - 7194542
wa Wallon confeti   View Word  - 5993051
cy Welsh conffeti   View Word  - 5992006
ze Zeneize coriandoli   View Word  - 5994901
zu Zulu khomfeti   View Word  - 6220404

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