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- Core tecco e tello sansa 'nu scuopu pricisu, comma pe' fa re cianci

Translated by: PAOLO OTTAVIANI

  • Error: scurazza

Translated in 75 languages

en English run around   View Word  - 6004629
it Italian scorrazzare   View Word  - 6004631
es Spanish corretear; deambular; zascandilear   View Word  - 6004638
fr French s'ébattre   View Word  - 6004636
fr French courir dans tous les sens   View Word  - 7194599
de German herum laufen   View Word  - 6005127
ru Russian резвиться; носиться   View Word  - 6005119
ar Arabic يركض عشوائياً   View Word  - 6005070
zh Chinese 东奔西跑; 嬉戏; 漫游   View Word  - 6005104
ao Aragones garimboliar   View Word  - 6005508
eu Basque (alde batetik bestera / handik hona) korrika ibili   View Word  - 6004655
bl Bolognese córrer in zà e in là   View Word  - 6005644
bp Brazilian Portuguese correr   View Word  - 6005823
bp Brazilian Portuguese correr para lá e para cá   View Word  - 7194597
bc Bresciano scorlandà   View Word  - 6005715
br Breton redek-diredek   View Word  - 6009090
cb Calabrese scorrazzà   View Word  - 6004670
ca Catalan vagarejar   View Word  - 6008917
ci Catanese iessiri spasulatu   View Word  - 6005677
cn Cornish resek a-dhe-dro   View Word  - 6004904
co Corsican scurrazzà - ruzà   View Word  - 6005725
ct Cosentino ji' fujìennu   View Word  - 6007150
hr Croatian ustrčkarati (se)   View Word  - 6006072
cs Czech pobíhat   View Word  - 6005791
da Danish løbe rundt   View Word  - 6004806
nl Dutch ronddolen   View Word  - 6004675
dt Dzoratâi verounâ   View Word  - 6004691
eo Esperanto kuregi; petoli; ludkuri; pasumi; iri ien tien   View Word  - 6004658
et Estonian (pea laiali) ringi jooksma   View Word  - 6005312
fi Finnish juoksennella   View Word  - 6004688
fl Flemish rondlopen; rondzwerven; ravotten   View Word  - 6004663
fu Furlan coraçâ   View Word  - 6004674
gl Galician corricar   View Word  - 6005643
el Greek τρέχω πάνω κάτω   View Word  - 6005742
gr Griko Salentino trecho   View Word  - 6005943
he Hebrew להתרוצץ   View Word  - 6005766
hu Hungarian ide-oda futkos; szaladgál   View Word  - 6005590
is Icelandic hlaupa um   View Word  - 7194604
in Indonesian berlari-lari   View Word  - 7194601
ja Japanese 走り回る   View Word  - 7194603
ld Judeo-spanish korretear   View Word  - 6007903
kk Kazakh ары берi жугiру   View Word  - 6005059
ko Korean 여기 저기 놀며 다니다, 외간 남자(여자)와 관계하다   View Word  - 6004694
lc Ladin jí en banon   View Word  - 6005811
la Latin discurrere; vagari; errare   View Word  - 6005061
lv Latvian joņot   View Word  - 6008714
lb Limburgian rondloope; (de stroëte aof)kêtse   View Word  - 6004665
ms Malay berlari kira-kira   View Word  - 7194602
mp Mapunzugun yafentun   View Word  - 5139746 5129892_n.wav
mo Mokshan lasjkaems; pulxjkaems   View Word  - 6005121
md Mudnés còrer avànti e indrê   View Word  - 6005690
nc Napulitano currettià   View Word  - 6005927
no Norwegian Bokmål løpe omkring   View Word  - 7194600
pd Paduan scorrassare   View Word  - 6005269
pp Papiamentu kana rònt   View Word  - 6004749
fa Persian پرسه زدن   View Word  - 6004917
pi Piemontese davané; core 'd sa e 'd là   View Word  - 6005545
pt Portuguese correr para cima e para baixo   View Word  - 7194598
pt Portuguese correr   View Word  - 6004659
qu Quechua phawapuriy   View Word  - 6005102
ro Romanian zbengui   View Word  - 6004698
sj Sammarinese côrr avènti e indré   View Word  - 6005495
cd Sardinian Campidanesu currellai; scurratzai; zompai   View Word  - 6006021
sr Serbian трчкарати: Кретати се ужурбано без одређеног циља   View Word  - 6008936
sc Sicilian sfarfalliari   View Word  - 6004703
sv Swedish springa omkring   View Word  - 6015565
th Thai วิ่งวน ; วิ่งวุ่น   View Word  - 6009110
zt Traditional Chinese 東奔西跑; 嬉戲; 漫遊   View Word  - 6005105
tb Triestino corer torno   View Word  - 6005155
va Valencian vagarejar   View Word  - 6008916
vi Vietnamese chạy vòng quanh   View Word  - 6006424
wa Wallon corri tos costes   View Word  - 6005843
cy Welsh rhedeg o gwmpas; rhedeg a gado; rhedeg mewn cylchoedd   View Word  - 6009089
ze Zeneize scorrattâ   View Word  - 6005514

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