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Translated in 79 languages

en English hearing   View Word  - 6029508
it Italian udito   View Word  - 6029512
es Spanish oído   View Word  - 5929215
fr French ouïe; audition   View Word  - 6029633
de German Gehör   View Word  - 4308681
ru Russian слух   View Word  - 6029781
ar Arabic السمع   View Word  - 5142194
zh Chinese 听力;听觉   View Word  - 6029773
sq Albanian dëgjim   View Word  - 6031750
ao Aragones oíto   View Word  - 6029868
eu Basque entzumen   View Word  - 6029539
bl Bolognese uraccia   View Word  - 6029596
bp Brazilian Portuguese ouvido   View Word  - 6042795
bc Bresciano el senter   View Word  - 6031751
br Breton kleved   View Word  - 6030834
cb Calabrese uditu   View Word  - 6029780
ca Catalan oïda   View Word  - 5865258
ci Catanese uditu ; sintìricci   View Word  - 6029562
cn Cornish clewes; clew   View Word  - 6034461
co Corsican uditu   View Word  - 6031796
ct Cosentino 'ntisa   View Word  - 6031781
hr Croatian sluh   View Word  - 5759917
cs Czech sluch; slyšení   View Word  - 6031769
da Danish hørelse   View Word  - 6029799
nl Dutch gehoor   View Word  - 6029788
eo Esperanto aŭdado   View Word  - 6035347
et Estonian kuulmine; kuulmismeel: võime tajuda helisid   View Word  - 6029816
fi Finnish kuulo   View Word  - 5447958
fl Flemish gehoor   View Word  - 6029740
fu Furlan uldide; orele   View Word  - 6029556
gl Galician oído   View Word  - 5865256
el Greek ακοή   View Word  - 6035520
gr Griko Salentino na kusi   View Word  - 6032503
gn Guarani apysa   View Word  - 5375685
he Hebrew שמיעה   View Word  - 6031829
hi Hindi श्रवणशक्ति   View Word  - 5199748
hu Hungarian hallás   View Word  - 6030823
is Icelandic heyrn   View Word  - 6030800
in Indonesian pendengaran   View Word  - 7194773
ga Irish éisteacht   View Word  - 5803983
ja Japanese 聴力; 聴覚   View Word  - 7194775
ld Judeo-spanish oido/oyido   View Word  - 6035724
ko Korean 청각, 청력, 듣기, 신문   View Word  - 6029545
la Latin auditus   View Word  - 5027877
lv Latvian dzirde   View Word  - 6030946
le Leonese uyíu   View Word  - 6032464
lb Limburgian geheir; 't heire   View Word  - 6029741
ms Malay pendengaran   View Word  - 7194774
mp Mapunzugun pilun; alcüpeyün   View Word  - 5121220 4858544_n.wav
mh Modenese Orientale udī   View Word  - 5997792
mo Mokshan kulxtsunduma   View Word  - 6036537
md Mudnés udî   View Word  - 6029507
nc Napulitano udito   View Word  - 6030793
no Norwegian Bokmål hørsel   View Word  - 7194770
nn Norwegian Nynorsk høyrsle   View Word  - 7194771
pd Paduan udito   View Word  - 6029819
pp Papiamentu oido   View Word  - 6029787
fa Persian گزارش در مقابل مقامات , شنوایی   View Word  - 6031597
pj Pitjantjatjara / Yankunytjatjara pina   View Word  - 6574298
pl Polish słuch   View Word  - 6029530
pt Portuguese ouvido   View Word  - 4311765
pa Punjabi ਸੁਣਨੇ ਦੀ ਸ਼ਕਤਿ   View Word  - 5199747
qu Quechua nigri   View Word  - 4858549
er Romagnolo udìt   View Word  - 5546850
ro Romanian auzit   View Word  - 5752078
cd Sardinian Campidanesu oidu   View Word  - 5603044
sr Serbian слух: Способност да се чује   View Word  - 6029795
tn Setswana kutlo   View Word  - 6228366
sc Sicilian udìtu   View Word  - 6031762
sv Swedish hörsel   View Word  - 6029783
zt Traditional Chinese 聽力;聽覺   View Word  - 6029772
tb Triestino udito   View Word  - 6029565
um Umbro-sabino otitu: siensu pe' sintì ri soni   View Word  - 6029844
va Valencian oït   View Word  - 5481513
ve Venetian recia   View Word  - 5068345
vi Vietnamese thính giác   View Word  - 7194772
cy Welsh clyw   View Word  - 5803980
ze Zeneize udïa   View Word  - 6029782

[Subject: Generalities]

Translated in 59 languages

en English feel   View Word  - 5447826
it Italian sentire; provare   View Word  - 5447815
es Spanish sentir   View Word  - 5228713
fr French éprouver; sentir; ressentir   View Word  - 5041628
de German fühlen; spüren; empfinden; wahrnehmen   View Word  - 5448863
ru Russian чувствовать   View Word  - 5472805
af Afrikaans voel   View Word  - 5475910
ao Aragones sentir   View Word  - 5448617
eu Basque nabari(tu)   View Word  - 5448683
bl Bolognese sénter   View Word  - 5448943
br Breton santout   View Word  - 5449298
cb Calabrese provà   View Word  - 5448626
ci Catanese séntiri   View Word  - 6268113
hr Croatian osjetiti   View Word  - 5473189
cs Czech cítit; mít pocit; pociťovat   View Word  - 5471164
da Danish føle; fornemme; mærke; bemærke   View Word  - 5468949
nl Dutch voelen   View Word  - 5944488
eo Esperanto senti; sensi; percepeti; sperti; ĝui   View Word  - 5449243
et Estonian tundma   View Word  - 5471849
fi Finnish tuntea   View Word  - 4947166
fu Furlan sentî   View Word  - 5449497
gl Galician sentir   View Word  - 5449458
el Greek αισθάνομαι; νιώθω   View Word  - 5449833
gr Griko Salentino na noìsi   View Word  - 5468497
gn Guarani ñandu   View Word  - 6208798 5339025_n.wav
hu Hungarian érez   View Word  - 5448620
ja Japanese 感じる   View Word  - 5660455
kj Kurdish Kurmanji his kirin   View Word  - 5473970
la Latin sentire   View Word  - 4924048
lv Latvian izjust   View Word  - 5467856
lb Limburgian viele; gewaorwiëne; onnervènne; êrvaore   View Word  - 5470922
md Mudnés sintîr   View Word  - 5466466
oc Occitan sentir   View Word  - 5449541
fa Persian احساس كردن   View Word  - 4698953
pj Pitjantjatjara / Yankunytjatjara tjuni   View Word  - 6695531
pl Polish odczuwać; doświadczać   View Word  - 5232445
pt Portuguese sentir   View Word  - 5449187
pr Provençal sentir   View Word  - 5449542
pz Putenzese sente   View Word  - 5471587
rg Reggiano sintèir   View Word  - 5448781
ra Roman senti'   View Word  - 5448925
ro Romanian a simţi; a percepe; a trăi; a presimţi; a intui   View Word  - 5412348
ls Sardinian (limba Sarda Unificada) intèndere; sentire; provare; tastare   View Word  - 5466941
cd Sardinian Campidanesu intendi   View Word  - 5588334
gd Scots Gaelic faighnich   View Word  - 6686006
sr Serbian осећати   View Word  - 5471756
tn Setswana utlwa; ikutlwa   View Word  - 6223803
sv Swedish känna   View Word  - 5449977
th Thai รู้สึก   View Word  - 5476360
zt Traditional Chinese 感受   View Word  - 5471296
tb Triestino sentir   View Word  - 5448818
tr Turkish hissetmek   View Word  - 5472174
uk Ukrainian відчувати   View Word  - 5449814
va Valencian sentir   View Word  - 5449136
ve Venetian sentir   View Word  - 5470360
cy Welsh teimlo   View Word  - 5449300
ji Yiddish filn   View Word  - 5449478
ze Zeneize sentî   View Word  - 5449789

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