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Translated in 96 languages

en English hope   View Word  - 5918592
it Italian speranza   View Word  - 5918593
es Spanish esperanza; anhelo   View Word  - 907757
fr French espoir; espérance   View Word  - 5919637
de German Hoffnung   View Word  - 6670253
ru Russian надежда   View Word  - 5918654
ar Arabic أمل   View Word  - 4924583
zh Chinese 希望   View Word  - 6307660
af Afrikaans hoop   View Word  - 6308093
ao Aragones asperanza   View Word  - 5919716
eu Basque itxaropen; esperantza   View Word  - 5918660
bn Bengali; Bangla আশা   View Word  - 5799469
bl Bolognese speranza   View Word  - 5920962
bp Brazilian Portuguese esperança   View Word  - 6308075
bc Bresciano speransa   View Word  - 5698920
br Breton goanag; spi; esperañs   View Word  - 5606292
ca Catalan esperançà   View Word  - 6858542
ci Catanese spiranza   View Word  - 6308101
cc Caterisano spiranza   View Word  - 6925228
cn Cornish govenek; gwaytyans   View Word  - 5923934
hr Croatian nada   View Word  - 5925783
cs Czech naděje   View Word  - 6670910
da Danish håb   View Word  - 6307669
nl Dutch hoop   View Word  - 5918745
dt Dzoratâi espoî; espèreince   View Word  - 5918843
eo Esperanto espero   View Word  - 6308037
et Estonian lootus   View Word  - 6314082
fi Finnish toivo   View Word  - 5702829
fl Flemish hoop; verwachting   View Word  - 5918758
fu Furlan sperance   View Word  - 5918802
gl Galician esperanza   View Word  - 5919423
el Greek ελπίδα   View Word  - 6308201
gr Griko Salentino speranza   View Word  - 6308729
gn Guarani ta’arõmby   View Word  - 5445657
gu Gujarati આશા   View Word  - 5598187
he Hebrew תקווה; תוחלת   View Word  - 5918976
hi Hindi आशा   View Word  - 5598185
hu Hungarian remény   View Word  - 5918642
is Icelandic von   View Word  - 6307759
in Indonesian harapan   View Word  - 7190085
ga Irish dóchas   View Word  - 6307687
ja Japanese 希望(きぼう)   View Word  - 7190083
ld Judeo-spanish esperansa   View Word  - 6309166
ko Korean 희망/기대 (하다)   View Word  - 5918697
la Latin spes   View Word  - 4924305
lv Latvian cerība   View Word  - 4924576
le Leonese esperanza   View Word  - 6307659
lb Limburgian hoop; verwaachting   View Word  - 5918757
ln Lingala elikia   View Word  - 6141665
ms Malay harapan   View Word  - 7190086
mt Maltese tama   View Word  - 5922405
mx Manx treisht   View Word  - 6307689
mp Mapunzugun pewmagen zugun   View Word  - 6313353
mr Marathi आशा   View Word  - 5598186
mq Mirandolese speransa   View Word  - 6841846
mo Mokshan nadijama; chandama   View Word  - 5918656
md Mudnés sperànza   View Word  - 6307890
nc Napulitano speranza   View Word  - 5919098
ni Nissart esperança   View Word  - 6307684
no Norwegian Bokmål håb   View Word  - 7190081
nn Norwegian Nynorsk håb   View Word  - 7190082
og Old Greek ἐλπίς   View Word  - 4933896
pd Paduan speransa   View Word  - 6307812
pp Papiamentu speransa   View Word  - 6307830
fa Persian امید   View Word  - 6670259
pi Piemontese speransa   View Word  - 5919470
pl Polish nadzieja   View Word  - 5090407
pt Portuguese esperança   View Word  - 6670247
pe Praiese speranza   View Word  - 6925232
pa Punjabi ਆਸ਼ਾ   View Word  - 5598188
rp Rapanui taparu   View Word  - 5707538 5707538_n.wav
rg Reggiano sperànsa   View Word  - 6669931
ro Romanian speranţă; nădejde   View Word  - 5918789
sj Sammarinese spirènza   View Word  - 5919670
sa Sanskrit आशंसा   View Word  - 5598189
cd Sardinian Campidanesu spera   View Word  - 5919176
lg Sardinian Logudoresu isperànzia   View Word  - 6314100
gd Scots Gaelic dòchas   View Word  - 6307686
sr Serbian нада   View Word  - 6926230
sc Sicilian spiransa; firùcia   View Word  - 5918818
sk Slovak nádej   View Word  - 7053569
sv Swedish hopp   View Word  - 6671474
th Thai ความหวัง   View Word  - 6440013
zt Traditional Chinese 希望   View Word  - 6308042
tb Triestino speranza   View Word  - 6307784
tr Turkish umut; ümit   View Word  - 6671018
uk Ukrainian надія; сподівання   View Word  - 5602921
um Umbro-sabino spiranza   View Word  - 5919542
va Valencian anhèl   View Word  - 5442448
ve Venetian speranzsa   View Word  - 5309560
vi Vietnamese hi vọng; kỳ vọng   View Word  - 7190084
wa Wallon èspwêr   View Word  - 5919820
cy Welsh gobaith   View Word  - 5606291
xh Xhosa ithemba   View Word  - 6308095
zu Zulu ithemba   View Word  - 6308094

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