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[Subject: Generalities]


Translated in 55 languages

en English undecided   View Word  - 6579544
it Italian indeciso   View Word  - 6579539
es Spanish indeciso; irresoluto; vacilante; ambiguo; titubeante   View Word  - 4911632
fr French indécis   View Word  - 6579581
de German unentschlossen   View Word  - 6579588
ru Russian не принявший решения   View Word  - 6591276
ar Arabic متردد   View Word  - 6590074
zh Chinese 未定的   View Word  - 6591089
af Afrikaans besluiteloos   View Word  - 6579617
sq Albanian i pavendosur   View Word  - 4488621
ao Aragones indeziso   View Word  - 6580448
eu Basque zalantzati; dudatsu   View Word  - 6581946
bn Bengali; Bangla অনির্ণীত   View Word  - 5798133
bp Brazilian Portuguese indeciso   View Word  - 6579773
bc Bresciano endecis   View Word  - 6634883
br Breton war vete goût   View Word  - 6579687
hr Croatian neodlučeno   View Word  - 6579756
cs Czech nerozhodnutý   View Word  - 6585664
nl Dutch onbeslist   View Word  - 6579585
eo Esperanto nedecidema; sendecida   View Word  - 6579691
fu Furlan indecîs   View Word  - 6594741
gl Galician indeciso; vacilante   View Word  - 4620829
el Greek αναποφάσιστος   View Word  - 6582060
gr Griko Salentino tis en izzèri ti è nna kai   View Word  - 6592122
gn Guarani ipy’amokõiva   View Word  - 6580881
gu Gujarati અનિર્ણીત   View Word  - 5577704
he Hebrew חססני   View Word  - 6580470
hi Hindi अनिर्णीत   View Word  - 5577703
hu Hungarian határozatlan   View Word  - 6579769
ld Judeo-spanish indechizo,duvdiozo   View Word  - 6591961
ko Korean 미결(정)의; 결단력 없는   View Word  - 6580350
la Latin dubius; incertus; suspensus   View Word  - 6580168
lv Latvian neatrisināts   View Word  - 6582134
le Leonese indecisu   View Word  - 6579674
mp Mapunzugun epuzuamlu   View Word  - 5440634
mr Marathi अनिर्णीत   View Word  - 5577705
md Mudnés indecîs   View Word  - 6591339
nc Napulitano ndecìso   View Word  - 6579610
pd Paduan indeciso   View Word  - 6593414
pp Papiamentu indesiso   View Word  - 6579624
fa Persian نا مصمم   View Word  - 6592903
pl Polish niezdecydowany   View Word  - 4503014
pt Portuguese indeciso   View Word  - 6579630
pa Punjabi ਅਣਸਿਖਿਆ   View Word  - 5577706
rg Reggiano indecîs   View Word  - 6609769
ro Romanian indecis; nedecis; nehotarât; şovăielnic   View Word  - 6591161
sa Sanskrit अनिर्णीत   View Word  - 5577707
sk Slovak nerozhodný   View Word  - 4585411
zt Traditional Chinese 未決; 未定; 猶豫不決   View Word  - 6593340
tb Triestino indeciso   View Word  - 6579716
tr Turkish kararsız   View Word  - 6580175
va Valencian vacilant; titubejant   View Word  - 5477112
cy Welsh rhwng dau feddwl   View Word  - 6579685
ze Zeneize in bansa; locciamòlla   View Word  - 6591893

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