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Translated by: JEAN-PIERRE ARRIO

Translated in 57 languages

en English fingerprint   View Word  - 6626774
it Italian impronta digitale   View Word  - 6626771
es Spanish impresión dactilar; huella dactilar; huella digital   View Word  - 6626825
fr French empreinte digitale   View Word  - 6627083
de German Fingerabdruck   View Word  - 6627423
ru Russian отпечаток пальца   View Word  - 6627356
ar Arabic بصمة الإصبع   View Word  - 6630939
zh Chinese 指纹;手印   View Word  - 6627092
af Afrikaans vingerafdruk   View Word  - 6634258
ao Aragones impresión dichital   View Word  - 6646006
bl Bolognese inprånta däl dîda   View Word  - 6645096
bp Brazilian Portuguese impressão digital   View Word  - 6626891
bc Bresciano empronta de i digg   View Word  - 6687864
br Breton roud-biz; louc'h-biz   View Word  - 6626925
ca Catalan empremta digital   View Word  - 7150638
cn Cornish ol bys   View Word  - 6626929
hr Croatian otisak prsta   View Word  - 6627310
cs Czech otisk prstu   View Word  - 6627350
da Danish fingeraftryk   View Word  - 6643816
nl Dutch vingerafdruk   View Word  - 6626932
eo Esperanto fingrospuro; fingropremaĵo   View Word  - 6627093
et Estonian sõrmejälg   View Word  - 6627119
fi Finnish sormenjälki   View Word  - 6626894
fu Furlan impront digitâl   View Word  - 6643760
gl Galician impresión dixital; pegada dixital   View Word  - 6648954
el Greek δακτυλικό αποτύπωμα; τυπογραφικά σύμβολα   View Word  - 6629601
he Hebrew טביעות אצבעות   View Word  - 6189632
hu Hungarian ujjlenyomat   View Word  - 6626941
ga Irish méarlorg   View Word  - 6626928
ld Judeo-spanish impresion dijital   View Word  - 6647511
ko Korean 지문 (~을 채취하다)   View Word  - 6627580
la Latin digiti signum   View Word  - 6627458
lv Latvian pirksta nospiedums   View Word  - 6629579
le Leonese impresión dixital   View Word  - 6627084
mp Mapunzugun pünon küwü   View Word  - 6643935
md Mudnés impròunta digitêl   View Word  - 6643763
nc Napulitano mpronta diggitale   View Word  - 6627856
no Norwegian Bokmål fingeravtrykk   View Word  - 6643845
nn Norwegian Nynorsk fingeravtrykk   View Word  - 6643842
pd Paduan impronta digitae   View Word  - 6627300
pp Papiamentu marka di dede   View Word  - 6627153
fa Persian اثر انگشت   View Word  - 6644350
pl Polish odcisk palca   View Word  - 6630920
pt Portuguese impressão digital   View Word  - 6627102
pe Praiese impronta digitali   View Word  - 6633654
ro Romanian amprentă digitală   View Word  - 6627118
gd Scots Gaelic lorg-meòire   View Word  - 6626927
sr Serbian отисак прста   View Word  - 6857386
sv Swedish fingeravtryck   View Word  - 7150637
zt Traditional Chinese 指紋; 手印   View Word  - 6643906
tr Turkish parmak izi   View Word  - 6627844
um Umbro-sabino 'mpronta de re 'ita   View Word  - 6626947
ve Venetian inprónta dei déi; inprónte   View Word  - 6627132
cy Welsh ôl bys   View Word  - 6626922
xh Xhosa umnwe   View Word  - 6243421
ze Zeneize segno de dìe   View Word  - 6626934

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