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[Subject: Botany]

Translated by: DAVID LAURENT

  • Synonym: οξαλίδα
  • Synonym: ρούμεξ ο ξυνός

Translated in 57 languages

en English sorrel; garden sorrel; common sorrel   View Word  - 4313690
it Italian acetosa; acetosella   View Word  - 567680
es Spanish acedera; acederilla; acedo   View Word  - 1724606
fr French oseille; vinette; surette; surelle; grande oseille   View Word  - 1724600
de German Sauerampfer; Wiesen-Sauerampfer   View Word  - 5229316
ru Russian щавель; кислица   View Word  - 4335027
ar Arabic نبات له طعم الخلّ   View Word  - 4177064
sq Albanian lëpjetë; uthullishte   View Word  - 4403837
at Asturian argueta   View Word  - 5885974
eu Basque mingarratz arrunta; mamitu; mingarratz txiki   View Word  - 4447547
bs Bosnian kiseljak   View Word  - 6409627
bp Brazilian Portuguese *azeda; azedinha-da-horta; azeda-brava??   View Word  - 6716022
bc Bresciano lapàs; aleluia   View Word  - 5620662
br Breton triñchinenn-ouez; triñchonenn-ouez; triñchinenn; triñchonenn   View Word  - 5779610
cb Calabrese acitusella   View Word  - 5018423
ca Catalan agrella; vinagrella   View Word  - 5500381
da Danish syre; almindelig syre   View Word  - 4984701
nl Dutch ridderzuring; kruiden ridderzuring   View Word  - 6006895
eo Esperanto okzalo; okzaleto; acida okzalo; malgrandaokzalo   View Word  - 3828484
fo Faeroese hømilia   View Word  - 6409622
fi Finnish suolaheinä; ahosuolaheinä   View Word  - 4360364
fy Frisian surk   View Word  - 6409624
fu Furlan panevin   View Word  - 5865534
gl Galician aceda común; aceda silvestre   View Word  - 4475006
he Hebrew חומעה תרבותית   View Word  - 7130858
hu Hungarian ecetes   View Word  - 567677
is Icelandic túnsúra   View Word  - 6368285
ja Japanese スイバ   View Word  - 6409619
kk Kazakh қымыздық   View Word  - 6409642
la Latin Rumex acetosa   View Word  - 567683
lv Latvian skābenes   View Word  - 567685
lb Limburgian serel; zurkel   View Word  - 6409641
mx Manx shughlaig   View Word  - 6409632
no Norwegian Bokmål engsyre   View Word  - 6006890
og Old Greek ὀξαλίς   View Word  - 6833392
fa Persian درخت ترشک; ترشک صغير   View Word  - 4493091
pl Polish szczaw; szczawik   View Word  - 4393033
pt Portuguese azedinha-da-horta; azedinha   View Word  - 6006902
er Romagnolo erba bròsca   View Word  - 5590696
ro Romanian mãcriº; mãcriºul iepurelui   View Word  - 4844919
cd Sardinian Campidanesu alleluya; coraxedu   View Word  - 5548232
lg Sardinian Logudoresu miliacra   View Word  - 5548668
sr Serbian кисељак; кисељача; цецељ   View Word  - 4984692
sc Sicilian acitusedda; acitazzu   View Word  - 4997589
sk Slovak štiavec   View Word  - 4356735
sw Swahili chika   View Word  - 6431021
sv Swedish ängssyra; harsyra   View Word  - 4399244
tt Tatar кузгалак   View Word  - 6409635
th Thai สีน้ำตาลแดงอ่อน   View Word  - 6409643
tr Turkish kuzukulaðý   View Word  - 4381493
uk Ukrainian щавель кислий   View Word  - 6409621
va Valencian agrella   View Word  - 5441485
vi Vietnamese chút chít   View Word  - 6409620
vo Volapuk züdarumäg   View Word  - 6409639
cy Welsh suran y cŵn; suran   View Word  - 5779611
wo Wolof bisaab; basaab   View Word  - 6171484

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