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Translated by: TZUNG-HSIEN CHEN

Translated in 73 languages

en English spy   View Word  - 6299961
it Italian spia   View Word  - 6299963
es Spanish espía   View Word  - 2631327
fr French espion   View Word  - 6300042
de German Spion   View Word  - 6300097
ar Arabic جاسوس   View Word  - 6302571
zh Chinese 间谍   View Word  - 6300802
af Afrikaans spioen   View Word  - 6305767
ao Aragones aguaita   View Word  - 6300123
hy Armenian լրտես   View Word  - 6215923
eu Basque espioi   View Word  - 6302081
bl Bolognese spéjja   View Word  - 6305945
bp Brazilian Portuguese espião   View Word  - 6302541
bc Bresciano spia   View Word  - 6312793
br Breton spier   View Word  - 6125342
bg Bulgarian шпионин; агент   View Word  - 5308425
ci Catanese spiúni; ´nfamuni   View Word  - 6300280
cn Cornish aspier   View Word  - 6300549
ct Cosentino spiune   View Word  - 6305589
hr Croatian uhoda   View Word  - 6300141
cs Czech špión; vyzvědač   View Word  - 6302127
da Danish spion   View Word  - 6300695
nl Dutch spion   View Word  - 6300150
eo Esperanto spiono   View Word  - 6300145
et Estonian spioon   View Word  - 6306064
fu Furlan spie   View Word  - 6302086
gl Galician espía   View Word  - 6302209
el Greek κατάσκοπος; πράκτορας   View Word  - 6306072
gr Griko Salentino spia   View Word  - 6306735
gn Guarani pyrague   View Word  - 5348211
gu Gujarati રહસ્ય જાણનાર માણસ   View Word  - 5315456
he Hebrew מרגל   View Word  - 6300087
hi Hindi भेदिया   View Word  - 5315461
hu Hungarian kém   View Word  - 6300033
is Icelandic njósnari   View Word  - 6305999
ga Irish spiaire   View Word  - 6300548
ld Judeo-spanish espiyon   View Word  - 6307093
ko Korean 간첩; 스파이 첩보활동; 밀정   View Word  - 6300285
la Latin emissarius; curiosus; speculator; explorator; delator   View Word  - 5889350
lv Latvian spiegs   View Word  - 6301315
le Leonese espía   View Word  - 6300157
mk Macedonian шпион   View Word  - 6307098
md Mudnés spìa   View Word  - 6304346
nc Napulitano spia; mafuto; spione; pigliepporta; spurtiglione   View Word  - 6300940
ni Nissart espioun; espìa   View Word  - 6302210
no Norwegian Bokmål spion   View Word  - 6305618
pd Paduan spion   View Word  - 6300380
pp Papiamentu spion   View Word  - 6300172
fa Persian جاسوس   View Word  - 6306803
pl Polish szpieg   View Word  - 5726596
pt Portuguese espião   View Word  - 6300065
pa Punjabi ਭੇਤੀ   View Word  - 5315467
qu Quechua qaway sua   View Word  - 6300641
ro Romanian spion   View Word  - 6301116
lg Sardinian Logudoresu ispia   View Word  - 6300236
gd Scots Gaelic beachdair   View Word  - 6300546
sr Serbian шпијун; жбир; ухода   View Word  - 6302989
sk Slovak špión   View Word  - 6300169
sv Swedish spion   View Word  - 6300062
th Thai สายลับ   View Word  - 6306760
zt Traditional Chinese 間諜   View Word  - 6305981
tb Triestino spion   View Word  - 6300434
tr Turkish casus; ajan   View Word  - 6300400
ur Urdu جاسوس   View Word  - 6306027
ve Venetian spion   View Word  - 5059191
vi Vietnamese gian diep   View Word  - 6306802
vi Vietnamese gián điệp   View Word  - 7196697
wa Wallon spyion   View Word  - 6301661
cy Welsh ysbïwr   View Word  - 6300227
xh Xhosa intlola   View Word  - 6305771
ze Zeneize spia   View Word  - 6300194
zu Zulu inhloli   View Word  - 6305768

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