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Translated in 33 languages

en English prohibition has made nothing but trouble - Al Capone   View Word  - 6954845
it Italian il proibizionismo non ha creato altro che guai   View Word  - 6954846
es Spanish el prohibicionismo no ha creado más que problemas   View Word  - 6954847
fr French la prohibition n'a rien créé d'autre que des problèmes   View Word  - 6956211
de German Die Prohibition hat nichts außer Probleme ausgelöst   View Word  - 7172461
ru Russian сухой закон не создал ничего, кроме проблем   View Word  - 6955229
af Afrikaans drankverbod het niks anders as moeilikheid meegebring nie   View Word  - 6955077
ao Aragones o proibizionismo no ha creyato más que poblemas   View Word  - 6954890
eu Basque prohibizionismoak ez du arazoak besterik ekarri   View Word  - 6954907
bl Bolognese al proibizionîSum l à fât såul di dân   View Word  - 6980253
bp Brazilian Portuguese o proibicionismo não criou nada senão problemas   View Word  - 6954884
br Breton ar berz n'en deus nemet lakaet an debr etre an dud   View Word  - 6954877
cs Czech s prohibicí byly jen problémy   View Word  - 6954864
nl Dutch de drooglegging heeft alleen maar narigheid gebracht   View Word  - 6955017
dt Dzoratâi l'interdicchon dâo chenique n'a rein balyî que dâi problèmo   View Word  - 6958157
eo Esperanto prohibicio okazigis nenion krom problemojn   View Word  - 6955073
fu Furlan il proibizionisim nol à creât altri che dams   View Word  - 6955384
gl Galician o prihibicionismo non crea máis ca problemas   View Word  - 6954873
he Hebrew חוק היובש לא עשה דבר מלבד צרות גדולות   View Word  - 6954871
hu Hungarian a tiltás csak problémákat szül   View Word  - 6955095
ld Judeo-spanish el vedar sin fin solo endjendro problemas   View Word  - 6955147
la Latin interdictio calamitates solum effecit   View Word  - 6955434
lv Latvian prohibīcija neko neizveidoja, tikai problēmas   View Word  - 6955230
le Leonese el prohibicionismu nun tien creyáu más que problemas   View Word  - 6954852
md Mudnés al proibizionîsem an n'hà purtê êter che di caséin   View Word  - 6956212
pd Paduan el proibissionismo nol gà creà che guai   View Word  - 6955239
pp Papiamentu prohibishon no a kousa otro kos ku problema   View Word  - 6955108
pe Praiese lu proibizziunismu nun ha creatu atu ca guai   View Word  - 6954894
ra Roman er proibizzionismo ha creato solo guai   View Word  - 6956215
ro Romanian prohibiționismul nu a adus decât probleme   View Word  - 6954896
sv Swedish alkoholförbudet har inte skapat annat än problem   View Word  - 6954905
tr Turkish yasaklar beladan başka bir şey getirmez   View Word  - 6956155

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