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[Subject: Economics]

Translated by: RUDOLF POLZER

Translated in 83 languages

en English finance   View Word  - 6103108
it Italian finanziare   View Word  - 6103107
es Spanish financiar   View Word  - 6103110
fr French financer   View Word  - 6118280
ru Russian финансировать   View Word  - 7191087
ar Arabic موّل   View Word  - 6103137
zh Chinese 财政; 金融   View Word  - 6103721
af Afrikaans finansier   View Word  - 6108088
sq Albanian financoj   View Word  - 5545949
ao Aragones finanziar   View Word  - 6103379
eu Basque finantzatu   View Word  - 6107697
bl Bolognese finanzièr   View Word  - 6103406
bp Brazilian Portuguese financiar   View Word  - 6108374
bc Bresciano finansier   View Word  - 6107362
br Breton kellidañ; arc'hantañ; finañsiñ   View Word  - 6103297
cb Calabrese finanzià   View Word  - 6103579
ca Catalan finançar   View Word  - 6103167
ci Catanese nèsciri a´pila   View Word  - 6103179
cn Cornish arghansya; provya arghans rak; scödhya gans arghans   View Word  - 6106671
co Corsican finanzà   View Word  - 6104230
ct Cosentino finanzia'   View Word  - 6107022
hr Croatian financirati   View Word  - 6107072
cs Czech financovat   View Word  - 6106537
da Danish finansiere   View Word  - 6103275
nl Dutch financieren   View Word  - 6103226
dt Dzoratâi betâ de l'erdzeint por   View Word  - 7015447
eo Esperanto financi   View Word  - 6103456
et Estonian finantseerima; rahastama   View Word  - 6103927
fi Finnish rahoittaa   View Word  - 6103372
fu Furlan finanziâ   View Word  - 6103310
gl Galician financiar   View Word  - 6103701
el Greek χρηματοδοτώ   View Word  - 6103667
gn Guarani hepyve’ê   View Word  - 5508627
gu Gujarati ધન   View Word  - 5593178
he Hebrew מקורות מימון   View Word  - 6108340
hi Hindi अर्थ   View Word  - 5593177
hu Hungarian finanszíroz   View Word  - 6103136
is Icelandic fjármagna   View Word  - 7191091
in Indonesian keuangan   View Word  - 7191089
ga Irish maoinigh   View Word  - 6775897
ja Japanese (…に)金を融通する; 融資する; 資金を調達[供給]する   View Word  - 6110413
ld Judeo-spanish finansiar   View Word  - 6107357
ko Korean 재정; 재무; 재원   View Word  - 6103437
la Latin suppeditare   View Word  - 6103573
lv Latvian finansēt   View Word  - 6104311
le Leonese financiare   View Word  - 6103143
lt Lithuanian finansuoti   View Word  - 6103576
ll Lucchese finanzià   View Word  - 6107019
ms Malay keuangan; kewangan   View Word  - 7191090
mr Marathi वित्त   View Word  - 5593179
mm Moravian plaťit   View Word  - 6108034
md Mudnés finanziêr   View Word  - 6103293
nc Napulitano finanzià   View Word  - 6103211
no Norwegian Bokmål finansiere   View Word  - 7191092
nn Norwegian Nynorsk finansiere   View Word  - 7191093
pd Paduan finansiare   View Word  - 6103944
pp Papiamentu finansiá   View Word  - 6103455
fa Persian دارایی   View Word  - 6103568
pi Piemontese finansié   View Word  - 4959458
pl Polish finansować   View Word  - 5850826
pt Portuguese financiar   View Word  - 6107673
pa Punjabi ਅਰਥ   View Word  - 5593181
er Romagnolo sbursè e quatròin   View Word  - 5720518
ro Romanian finanţa   View Word  - 6106054
sa Sanskrit धनम्   View Word  - 5593182
lg Sardinian Logudoresu finanziare   View Word  - 6103461
sr Serbian финансирати   View Word  - 6104007
sc Sicilian finanziari   View Word  - 6103587
sk Slovak financovať   View Word  - 6103395
sl Slovenian financirati   View Word  - 6107343
sv Swedish finansiera   View Word  - 4862574
zt Traditional Chinese 給…通融資金   View Word  - 7191086
zt Traditional Chinese 財政; 金融   View Word  - 6107320
tb Triestino finanziar   View Word  - 6103230
tr Turkish finans   View Word  - 6107116
um Umbro-sabino fenansià   View Word  - 6103142
va Valencian finançar   View Word  - 6103210
vi Vietnamese cung cap tien, tai chinh   View Word  - 6112392
vi Vietnamese tài trợ   View Word  - 7191088
cy Welsh ariannu; cyllido   View Word  - 6103296
xh Xhosa imali   View Word  - 6243369
zu Zulu funela imali   View Word  - 6230028

Translated by: RUDOLF POLZER

Translated in 52 languages

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