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[Subject: Ground Transportation]

  • Synonym: ruch uliczny

Translated in 74 languages

en English traffic; road traffic   View Word  - 6314408
it Italian traffico   View Word  - 6314409
es Spanish tráfico   View Word  - 6314411
fr French trafic   View Word  - 6314434
de German Verkehr   View Word  - 6314429
ru Russian транспорт; движение   View Word  - 6445265
ar Arabic حركة المرور   View Word  - 6315337
zh Chinese 交通   View Word  - 6314420
af Afrikaans verkeer   View Word  - 6316908
sq Albanian trafik   View Word  - 6315727
ao Aragones trafico   View Word  - 6329590
eu Basque trafiko   View Word  - 6316303
bl Bolognese trâfic   View Word  - 6316535
bp Brazilian Portuguese tráfego; trânsito   View Word  - 6319696
bc Bresciano trafic   View Word  - 6343642
br Breton tremeniri; tremenerezh   View Word  - 6314460
bg Bulgarian трафик   View Word  - 6316603
my Burmese မီးပွိုင့်   View Word  - 6881900
ci Catanese ttràficu   View Word  - 6316866
cz Catanzarese trafficu   View Word  - 6316657
ct Cosentino trafficu   View Word  - 6317170
hr Croatian promet   View Word  - 6315830
cs Czech doprava   View Word  - 6316646
da Danish trafik   View Word  - 6314440
nl Dutch verkeer   View Word  - 6444145
eo Esperanto trafiko   View Word  - 6314487
et Estonian liiklus   View Word  - 6316642
fi Finnish liikenne   View Word  - 6316034
fu Furlan trafic   View Word  - 6314623
gl Galician tráfico; tránsito   View Word  - 6317362
el Greek κίνηση; κυκλοφοριακό   View Word  - 6317943
gr Griko Salentino traffiko   View Word  - 6317711
he Hebrew תנועה   View Word  - 6314919
hu Hungarian (közúti) forgalom   View Word  - 6314529
is Icelandic umferð   View Word  - 6315039
in Indonesian lalu lintas   View Word  - 7198527
ga Irish trácht; trácht bóthair   View Word  - 6314465
ja Japanese 交通; 往来; 通行   View Word  - 7198529
ld Judeo-spanish trafiko   View Word  - 6316659
ko Korean 교통차량   View Word  - 6314724
la Latin celebritas; frequentia   View Word  - 6316685
lv Latvian ielu satiksme   View Word  - 6316724
le Leonese tráficu   View Word  - 6314523
ms Malay lalu lintas   View Word  - 7198528
mp Mapunzugun amukangelu   View Word  - 6316104
md Mudnés trâfic   View Word  - 6316596
nc Napulitano tràfeco   View Word  - 6314802
ni Nissart trafic   View Word  - 6314424
no Norwegian Bokmål trafikk   View Word  - 7184343
nn Norwegian Nynorsk trafikk   View Word  - 7198525
pd Paduan trafico   View Word  - 6315723
pp Papiamentu tráfiko   View Word  - 6315218
fa Persian عبور و مرور - ترافیک   View Word  - 6446118
pt Portuguese tráfego   View Word  - 6314500
pe Praiese trafficu   View Word  - 6443917
qu Quechua purina   View Word  - 6314606
rg Reggiano trafèc   View Word  - 6690690
ro Romanian circulaţie; trafic   View Word  - 6325428
lg Sardinian Logudoresu travigu   View Word  - 6314936
gd Scots Gaelic trafaig   View Word  - 6314463
sr Serbian саобраћај; друмски саобраћај; железнички саобраћај; ваздушни саобраћај   View Word  - 6315136
sk Slovak doprava   View Word  - 6314428
sv Swedish trafik   View Word  - 6314415
zt Traditional Chinese 交通; 公路交通   View Word  - 6316969
tb Triestino trafico   View Word  - 6315380
tr Turkish trafik   View Word  - 6314541
um Umbro-sabino traffecu   View Word  - 6316629
ve Venetian tràfico   View Word  - 6314619
vi Vietnamese giao thông   View Word  - 7198526
cy Welsh traffig; trafnidiaeth   View Word  - 6314457
xh Xhosa izithuthi   View Word  - 6316910
ze Zeneize tràffego   View Word  - 6314597
zu Zulu izimoto   View Word  - 6316909

Translated by: JACEK ZUKOWSKI

Translated in 56 languages

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