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nl Dutch 75
nl Dutch - [ Subject: Commerce (Trade) ] 39
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ar Arabic قاتم، مظلم، مغموم، مكرب، حزين - [ ÃÓæÏ ¡ ãÚÊã ] - Synonym of مُظْلِم
ar Arabic حفر، ثقب - Synonym of ثقب
ar Arabic جوّ - Synonym of علم الأرصاد الجويّة
ar Arabic *القبر الأجوف?? - [ قبر تذكاري لا يحوي رفات الميت المقام من أجله ] - Synonym of مقام
ar Arabic كَامِل - Synonym of مكمّل، تام
ar Arabic متعهد - [ من حصل على الشيء ] - Synonym of النائل
ar Arabic جرَّافة - [ مكنة تمهيد الأرض و شق الطرقات ] - Synonym of جرافة
ar Arabic وكيل تجاري - [ وسيط بين البائع والمشتري ] - Synonym of سمسار
ar Arabic كابيبارا - [ ÎäÒíÑ ÈÑí íÚíÔ Úáì ÔæÇØÆ ÇáÈÍíÑÇÊ æÇáÃäåÇÑ Ýí ÌäæÈ ÃãíÑßÇ ] - Synonym of خنزير الماء
ar Arabic علم يهدف الى اعادة انتاج انشطة الدّماغ البشري بواسطة وسائل ميكانكية أو الكترونية - [ علم الضَّبط ] - Synonym of السَّبَرانية
ar Arabic المولع بتربية الكلاب، ما يتعلق بتربية الكلاب - [ Ðæ ÚáÇÞÉ ÈÍÈ ÇáßáÇÈ ] - Synonym of المولَّع بتربية الكلاب
ar Arabic الإنسان الآلي - Synonym of انسان آلي
ar Arabic مبولة كبيرة - [ إناء يُبال فيه ] - Synonym of مِبولة
ar Arabic متدهور، منهار، متفسّخ - [ ãäÍØ ] - Synonym of مُتَدَهْوِر
ar Arabic مقياس - [ ÊÍÏíÏ ãÞÇÏíÑ ÇáÌõÑúÚÇÊ ] - Synonym of تحديد مقادير الجُرْعات
ar Arabic اختصار (الخ) - [ إلى آخره ] - Synonym of إلخ
ar Arabic شمع البرافين - Synonym of بارافين
ar Arabic عائد - Synonym of كَسْب
ar Arabic الغلاف الحيوي - [ الغلاف الحيوي للأرض ] - Synonym of بيوسفير
ar Arabic مرض التهاب الشعب الهوائية عند الأطفال - Synonym of الســعال الديكي
ar Arabic يحترم، يوقر، يهاب، يقدّس - Synonym of قدس
ar Arabic *الردة?? - [ تحول عن عقيدة أودين ] - Synonym of ارتداد
ar Arabic سلام - Synonym of إلى اللقاء
ar Arabic يجنّد - [ يجند جنوداً أو مرتزقة ] - Synonym of جند
ar Arabic غثيان، حالة اضطراب في المعدّة - Synonym of غثيان
ar Arabic راتب - Synonym of مرتّب
ar Arabic نذل، خسيس، جلاّد، سيّاف، رديء، بغيض - Synonym of نصّاب
ar Arabic حريم - [ جناح النساء في القصور الشرقية القديمة ] - Synonym of الحريم
ar Arabic جرعة مفرطة - Synonym of ما يفوق المقدار العادي
ar Arabic تقريباً - Synonym of تقريبا
ar Arabic حَوَل - Synonym of أحْوَل
ar Arabic محرّم صغير - Synonym of درّاجة ناريّة صغيرة العجلات
ar Arabic الوضع الرّاهن - Synonym of الوضع الراهن
ar Arabic الهرمون - Synonym of هرمون
ar Arabic إذا أردت السلام، حضّر الحرب - Synonym of إذا أردت السلام، استعد للحرب
ar Arabic ورد جوري - Synonym of ورد برِّي
ay Aymara niyapuni - Synonym of niya
bc Bresciano menamà - Synonym of debòt
bc Bresciano noèl - Synonym of nof
bi Bislama tambu - Synonym of kastom tambu
bp Brazilian Portuguese contrato de arrendamento - Synonym of aluguel
bp Brazilian Portuguese enxergar - Synonym of vislumbrar
bp Brazilian Portuguese ganância - Synonym of lucro
bp Brazilian Portuguese marmota dos estados unidos - Synonym of marmota
br Breton korvo - Synonym of gounid
br Breton gwenn-ui - Synonym of albumin
br Breton ober an arouez 'reizh' - [ An arouez reizh ] - Synonym of merk reizh
br Breton kult - Synonym of azeuliñ
br Breton soul - [ Ur parkad soul ] - Synonym of saouled
br Breton - Synonym of heglev
br Breton amzer - Synonym of studi an amzer
br Breton peurzeskiñ - Synonym of mestr
br Breton merzheriañ - Synonym of merzher
br Breton c'hoantegezh - Synonym of lontegezh
ca Catalan venerar - Synonym of adorar
ca Catalan alzina d’aglà dolç - Synonym of alzina
ca Catalan gerència - Synonym of gestió
ca Catalan oir - Synonym of escoltar
ca Catalan adeu - Synonym of adéu
ca Catalan rosa silvestre - Synonym of roser caní
ca Catalan - Synonym of cranc pelfut
ca Catalan manatí - [ gènere de mamífers de l'ordre dels sirenis i de la família dels triquèquids (Trichechus sp), de cos fusiforme i arrodonit, cap sense musell i aleta caudal sense fesa ] - Synonym of manatí
ca Catalan - Synonym of propens
ca Catalan estipendi - Synonym of salari
cb Calabrese pisciatura - Synonym of pisciatura
cb Calabrese vinirari - Synonym of adurare
cb Calabrese ammugliare - Synonym of sposà
cd Sardinian Campidanesu profittu - Synonym of guadangiu
cd Sardinian Campidanesu mandroni - Synonym of mandroni
cd Sardinian Campidanesu sguerciu - Synonym of ogutrottu
cn Cornish arys - Synonym of sowlek
cs Czech dodací doby - Synonym of dodací lhùty
cs Czech zmìna rychlosti - Synonym of převodovka
cy Welsh gwynnwy - Synonym of albwmin
cy Welsh rêp had olew - Synonym of rêp
cy Welsh ticio - Synonym of tic
cy Welsh merthyru - Synonym of merthyr
cy Welsh tywydd - Synonym of meteoroleg
cy Welsh meistroli - Synonym of meistr
cy Welsh rhaglith - [ Darn ar ddechrau llyfr yn cyflwyno'r testun etc. ] - Synonym of rhagymadrodd
cy Welsh sofl - Synonym of cae sofl
cy Welsh blaclegio - Synonym of blacleg
cy Welsh mab - [ Mewn enw tadewnol traddodiadol, e.e. Math fab Mathonwy, Dafydd ab Edmwnd, Dafydd ap gwilym etc ] - Synonym of fab
cy Welsh - Synonym of coegfalch
da Danish læreplads - Synonym of læretid
da Danish godgørenhed - Synonym of velgerning
da Danish snyde - Synonym of besvige
da Danish leverbetændelse - Synonym of hepatitis
da Danish revision - Synonym of reviderer
da Danish måneplettet møgkær - Synonym of skarnbasse
da Danish hesteflue - Synonym of bremse
da Danish - [ Overfrakke ] - Synonym of overfrakke
da Danish drejebogsforfatter - Synonym of manuskriptforfatter
da Danish elg - Synonym of elsdyr
da Danish pengeautomat - Synonym of bankomat
da Danish råbuk - Synonym of rådyr
da Danish manglende evnen til at genkende sanseindtryk - Synonym of agnosi
da Danish terninger - Synonym of terning
da Danish lediggang - Synonym of fritid
de German gericht - Synonym of Teller
de German vorarbeiten - Synonym of schruppen
de German wirtschaftsprüfung - [ teilweise auch : Audits ] - Synonym of Überprüfung
de German getriebe - Synonym of Schaltgetriebe
de German profit - Synonym of Verdienst
de German - Synonym of Papierwarenhandlung
de German mark - Synonym of Knochenmark
de German abstand - Synonym of Schritt
de German lieferfristen - Synonym of Lieferbedingungen
de German grundlagerzapfen - Synonym of Hauptlager
de German schlafsacktourist - Synonym of Rucksackwanderer
de German sepsis - Synonym of Sepsis
de German bohrung - Synonym of Perforierung
de German satz - Synonym of Rate
de German repeater - Synonym of Wiederholer
de German einschalten - Synonym of Startprozeß
de German steigung - Synonym of Gewindesteigung
de German solarzellenausleger - Synonym of Solarzellenfläche
de German dotter - Synonym of Eigelb
de German soleus - Synonym of Schollenmuskel
de German - Synonym of augenscheinlich
de German kropfband - Synonym of Chokerkette
de German abrißkante - Synonym of Spoiler
de German blutegel - Synonym of Blutegel
de German ausmachen - Synonym of ausschalten
de German wettervorhersage - Synonym of Meteologische
de German - Synonym of Natriumbicarbonat
de German grundwasserleiter - Synonym of wasserführend
de German butzemann - [ Ausdruck aus der Kindersprache für Hund. Der böse Wauwau (umgangs., übertragende Bedeutung) ist der Sündenbock oder eine Schreckensgestalt. ] - Synonym of Wauwau
de German erysipel - Synonym of Erysipelas
de German inbegriffen - Synonym of inklusive
de German erneut - Synonym of wieder
de German ungepflegt - Synonym of heruntergekommen
de German börsianer - Synonym of Vermittler
de German autor - Synonym of Drehbuchautor
de German querbinder - Synonym of Fliege
de German steineiche - Synonym of Eiche
de German zurechtweisen - Synonym of verweisen
de German rudern - [ Ein Boot mit Hilfe eines Ruders oder mehreren Ruderm forbewegen. ] - Synonym of Rudersport
de German puma - Synonym of Puma
de German lerche - Synonym of Feldlerche
de German felsen-entenmuschel - Synonym of Teichmuschel
de German barzahlung bei lieferung - Synonym of per Nachnahme
de German gemeine eibe - Synonym of Eibe
de German rehbock - Synonym of Reh
de German muße - Synonym of Freizeit
de German token - Synonym of Zeichen
de German entsorgung - Synonym of Beseitigung
de German akuphen - Synonym of Ohrgeräusche
de German casula - [ Maßgewand ] - Synonym of Kasel
de German hagebutte - Synonym of Hunds-Rose
de German gemisch - Synonym of Innereien
de German eintagsfliegen - Synonym of Maifliege
de German manatee - Synonym of Westindien-Manati
de German gewinnausfall - Synonym of entgangener Gewinn
de German - Error of Rauke
de German sammeln - Synonym of einsammeln
de German offenes interesse - Synonym of offene Positionen
de German gemeiner dungkugelkäfer - Synonym of Heilige Pillendreher
de German konter - Synonym of Gegenangriff
de German betrügen - [ ein wenig betrügen ] - Synonym of beschummeln
de German - Synonym of Blaustirn-Glanzvogel
de German vermehrte schweißproduktion - Synonym of Hyperhidrosis
de German sozialisieren - Synonym of zusammenkommen
de German pecannuß - Synonym of Pekannuss
de German schürfgerät - Synonym of Planierraupe
de German erblicken - Synonym of flüchtig sehen
de German wortklauberei - Synonym of Vorwand
de German krawattenklemme - Synonym of Krawattenspange
el Greek ξανά - Synonym of πάλι
el Greek τεμπέλης - Synonym of οκνηρός
el Greek - Synonym of σύγκρουση
en English crank journal - Synonym of journal bearing
en English metering - Synonym of batching
en English gearshift - [ Encased assembly of gears providing the ratios for torque multiplication. ] - Synonym of gearbox
en English strikebreaker - [ A person who refuses to strike in protest and who therefore fails to support the causes of fellow-workers in their conflict with management ] - Synonym of blackleg
en English obstipation - Synonym of stypsis
en English dice - [ note: singular "die", plural "dice" ] - Synonym of die
en English building contractor - [ Successful tenderer for a contract. ] - Synonym of bidder
en English flavor - [ Penetrating and pleasant smell ] - Synonym of aroma
en English leisure - [ Freedom from time-consuming duties, responsibilities, or activities ] - Synonym of leisure
en English stipend - [ A fixed amount of money normally agreed annually and paid monthly as remuneration to an employee ] - Synonym of salary
en English dugout - [ A structure made of wood or metal used to house humans, keep animals, or store materials ] - Synonym of hut
en English soleus muscle - Synonym of soleus
en English barnacle - [ A cirripede crustacean that adheres to rocks and ship bottoms ] - Synonym of barnacle
en English exaction - Synonym of extortion
en English mens rea - [ Anything intended to mislead another ] - Synonym of deceit
en English dishonestly - Synonym of deceit
en English bold - Synonym of courageous
en English erysipelas - [ Medical Dictionary ] - Synonym of erysipelas
en English water cancer - Synonym of cancer acquaticus
en English epidemic typhus - Synonym of war fever
en English paraffin - Synonym of mineral oil
en English bottom up - [ Lying face downward. ] - Synonym of prone
en English pain during sexual intercourse - [ Painful intercourse ] - Synonym of dyspareunia
en English sepsis - [ A clinical syndrome in which infection is disseminated through the body in the bloodstream ] - Synonym of septicaemia
en English bilk - [ To defraud. ] - Synonym of swindle
en English dispensation - Synonym of exemption
en English giblet - Synonym of offals
en English present day - Synonym of nowadays
en English mdf - Synonym of medium density fibreboard
en English blind in one eye - [ blind in one eye ] - Synonym of one-eyed
en English underlay - [ Stealing from a shop ] - Synonym of shoplifting
en English navigation buoy - Synonym of navigation beacon
en English hyperglycaemia - [ Abnormally increased content of sugar in the blood ] - Synonym of hyperglycemia
en English toolroom - Synonym of machine room
en English reprimand - Synonym of reproach
en English anew - [ Once more ] - Synonym of again
en English wine keeper - Synonym of wine waiter
en English angiosperms - [ One of the main divisions of flowering plants, in which the seeds are in a closed ovary, not naked as in gymnosperms. ] - Synonym of angiospermae
en English scruffy - Synonym of neglected
en English nail-biting - Synonym of onychophagy
en English gourmand - [ a person who eats too much ] - Synonym of glutton
en English arranger of scenes - Synonym of screenwriter
en English klinefelter syndrome - Synonym of Klinefelter's syndrome
en English counterattack - Synonym of fastbreak
en English magister - [ A person in possession of a university degree ] - Synonym of graduate
en English near-sighted - [ Unable to see distant objects clearly ] - Synonym of short-sighted
en English horsefly - [ A flying insect quite similar to he fly but larger 5atanus bovinus); the female gadly sucks the blood of the cows ] - Synonym of gadfly
en English engage in warfare - [ To begin an action ] - Synonym of engage
en English butthole - [ North American vulgar term for the anus ] - Synonym of asshole
en English swelter - [ The hottest period of summer ] - Synonym of dog days
en English - Synonym of brown hare
en English acousma - Synonym of tinnitus
en English drug overdose - Synonym of overdose
en English rose hip - Synonym of  dog rose
en English - [ more particularly, in particular ] - Synonym of especially
en English manatee - Synonym of West Indian manatee
en English - Synonym of autumn crocus
en English nyctophobia - [ Fear of night. Fear of the dark ] - Synonym of noctiphobia
en English paraffin wax - Synonym of paraffin
en English - Synonym of Cape cobra
en English old lady - Synonym of elderly woman
en English plate - [ A more or less concave vessel from which food is served. ] - Synonym of dish
en English red-bellied piranha - Synonym of red belly piranha
en English allochthon - Synonym of allochthonous
en English hyperthymesia - Synonym of hyperamnesia
en English homonymous - [ A word that is spelled or pronounced in the same way as one or more other words but has a different meaning. Examples include the noun and adjective "fleet," "plane" and "plain," pronounced the same but spelled differently, and the verb and noun "sow," spelled the same but pronounced differently. ] - Synonym of homonym
en English - Synonym of Cochran's croaking gecko
en English - Synonym of Baiuch stone gecko
en English - Synonym of spiny terrapin
en English - Synonym of white-spotted spinefoot
en English - Synonym of bluestriped fangblenny
en English sudoresis - Synonym of hyperhidrosis
en English - Synonym of Plumier's stone-biting goby
en English nauseous - [ feeling of sickness ] - Synonym of qualm
en English - Synonym of Beaubrummel gregory
en English - Synonym of rikuzen flounder
en English gluttonous - [ A glutton ] - Synonym of gormandizer
en English in no time - [ Very rapidly ] - Synonym of like winking
en English downshifting - [ Leaving a job even well paid and difficult in order to do something that gives you more time and satisfaction but less money - actually it means to reduce the standard of living for an improved quality of life ] - Synonym of downshifting
en English lesser omentum - Synonym of lesser epiploon
en English xtest - [ second ] - Synonym of xtest
en English tieclip - Synonym of tie clip
eo Esperanto veneri; respekti - [ verbo transitivo ] - Synonym of adori
eo Esperanto - Synonym of antaŭe menciita
eo Esperanto fiavarulo - [ (popolare) ] - Synonym of avaraĉulo
eo Esperanto hidrohero kapibaro - Synonym of kapibaro
eo Esperanto meteo - Synonym of meteologio
eo Esperanto sepseco - Synonym of sepsemio
eo Esperanto ilĉambro - [ ĉambro destinita al maŝinoj de ŝipo, konstruaĵo, ktp ] - Synonym of maŝinĉambro
eo Esperanto nomao - Synonym of busxa kaj naza gangreno
eo Esperanto sovaĝa rozo; eglanterio - Synonym of rozo hunda
eo Esperanto - [ movi ion ĉirkaŭ ĝia akso ] - Synonym of turni.
eo Esperanto efemero - Synonym of bruna efemero
eo Esperanto - [ skriba traduko de fremdlingva filmo, aperanta ĉe la malsupro de la bildoj. ] - Feminine Pl. of subtitolo
eo Esperanto - [ paroladeto dum festeno, kun propono trinki pro ies sano aŭ honoro, pro la sukceso de entrepreno, organizo, lando. Ago levi la glasojn en kunveno kaj trinki kune honore al iu aŭ okazaĵo. ] - Derived of tosto
eo Esperanto blinda je unu okulo - Synonym of unuokula
eo Esperanto - [ veturilo (ŝipo, boato, trajno, ktp.) uzata por iro-reira servo inter du lokoj. ] - Derived of navedveturilo
eo Esperanto - [ plimalbonigo : ago fari pli malbona. - plimalboniĝo : stato iĝi pli malbona. ] - Synonym of plimalbonigo
eo Esperanto ĉerimolio - Synonym of sukerpomo
eo Esperanto strabulo - Synonym of straba
er Romagnolo emuié - Synonym of acasè
er Romagnolo urinèri - Synonym of bucalen
er Romagnolo fadupié - Synonym of spampinèd
er Romagnolo adòrar - Synonym of adurè
er Romagnolo t'l'inzérca - Synonym of sò par zò
er Romagnolo alvént - Synonym of levant
er Romagnolo gvadégn - Synonym of gvadagn
er Romagnolo pirocca - Synonym of piròca
es Spanish alerón - Synonym of deflector
es Spanish dosaje - [ Determinación y regulación de la dosis de un medicamento ] - Synonym of dosificación
es Spanish tabique - [ Pared de cemento que separa los boxes de la pista o que actúa como última barrera para un coche que se salga de la pista. ] - Synonym of muro de contención
es Spanish iniciar - Synonym of puesta en marcha
es Spanish arranque - Synonym of inicio
es Spanish economicidad - Synonym of eficiencia de costos
es Spanish incluso - Synonym of incluido
es Spanish erogación de capital - Synonym of inversión en capital fijo
es Spanish pago a la entrega - Synonym of entrega contra reembolso
es Spanish beneficio líquido - Synonym of ganancia neta
es Spanish juicio hipotecario - Synonym of ejecución de hipoteca
es Spanish exacción - [ Acción y efecto de usurpar por fuerza una cosa:
Daño o perjuicio ]
- Synonym of extorsión
es Spanish cuenta sin comprobante - Synonym of cuenta abierta por asiento contable
es Spanish deuda contabilizada - Synonym of deuda según el libro mayor
es Spanish yema de huevo - [ Porción central del huevo en los vertebrados ovíparos ] - Synonym of yema
es Spanish chirimoyo - [ Árbol de hasta 5 m. de altura, con hojas elípticas, flores solitarias, fruto liso oviforme o en forma de corazón que puede medir hasta 20 cm de largo y 10 de ancho, con un sabor suave y exquisito. Se cree originaria de los Andes ecuatorianos o peruanos, se cultiva por su fruto, pertenece a la familia Annonaceae (Annona cherimolia) ] - Synonym of chirimoya
es Spanish sin olor - [ Que no tiene olor. ] - Synonym of inodoro
es Spanish tragaldabas - [ Animal que consume mucha comida.
Individuo que come con ansia.
Lo que destruye o consume rápidamente ]
- Synonym of voraz
es Spanish ilegal - Synonym of sin ley
es Spanish retar - [ Regañar.
Censurar ]
- Synonym of reprender
es Spanish flamante - [ Recién salido de fábrica ] - Synonym of de nueva fabricación
es Spanish leopardo de las nieves - [ Mamífero carnicero félido, de unos seis decimetros de altura, con pelaje como el del leopardo y aspecto de perro, vive en los desiertos de las regiones meridionales del Asia y es domesticable ] - Synonym of onza
es Spanish azulejero - [ Persona que pone azulejos ] - Synonym of alicatador
es Spanish gestión - [ Administración, manejo o dirección de una empresa
Gestión de un gerente ]
- Synonym of gerencia
es Spanish vísceras - [ Conjunto de las entrañas del animal ] - Synonym of asadura
es Spanish - [ Famoso plato gastronomico tipico y originario de la Comunidad Valenciana. Tiene diferentes variantes en todas las comarcas valencianas. En tierras valencianas esta palabra hace referencia también al recipiente en donde se elabora la paella ] - Synonym of paella
es Spanish percebe marroquí - [ Crustáceo cirrópodo, que tiene un caparazón compuesto de cinco piezas y un pedúnculo carnoso comestible, muy apreciado y con el cual se adhiere a los peñascos de las costas. Se cría en grupos, es hermafrodita, (Pollicipes cornucopia) ] - Synonym of percebe
es Spanish estipendio - [ Paga o remuneración. ] - Synonym of salario
es Spanish zoncería - [ Objeto mal hecho, o hecho a la ligera.
Palabra fuera de lugar, acción torpe ]
- Synonym of chapuza
es Spanish encina dulce - [ Árbol de la familia fagáceas, de 10 a 12 m. de altura. Hojas persistentes, elípticas, de bordes dentados y punzantes, de color verdinegro por el haz, blanquecino por el envés. Flores pequeñas de color verde amarillento. Su madera dura se emplea en carpintería ] - Synonym of encina
es Spanish cárabo común - [ Ave rapaz nocturna, parecida a la lechuza pero de más tamaño. ] - Synonym of úlula
es Spanish marmota de canadá - Synonym of marmota norteamericana
es Spanish - [ Planta herbácea trepadora, de la familia dioscoreáceas, originaria de México, de 6 - 7 m de largo. Raíz un tubérculo aplanado. Hojas deltoide-cordadas, acuminadas. Sus rizomas cocidos son comestibles ] - Synonym of popo
es Spanish - Synonym of cauquén caranca
es Spanish - [ Ave del orden Ciconiformes, perteneciente a la familia Accipitridae ] - Synonym of aguililla pecho rojo
es Spanish zonificación - Synonym of zonación
es Spanish orycteropus - Synonym of oricteropo
es Spanish prefijo telefónico - [ Señal que antecede a otra de servicio o funcional ] - Synonym of prefijo
es Spanish musaraña - [ Pequeño mamífero insectívoro, semejante a un ratón, pero con el hocico largo y puntiagudo. La especie común vive en las huertas ] - Synonym of musgaño
es Spanish ballenato de cuvier - [ Pez marino perteneciente a la familia Ziphiidae; puede alcanzar los 7 m de longitud. Su cabeza es relativamente pequeña en relación al cuerpo
- Synonym of zifio común
es Spanish poco profundo - [ Poco elevado. ] - Synonym of bajo
es Spanish hacer dedo - Synonym of hacer autoestop
es Spanish - [ Pez marino de aguas tropicales, de 35 cm de longitud, perteneciente a la familia Soleidae; tiene importancia comercial; rango de profundidad: - 50 m ] - Plural of lenguado de Cadenat
es Spanish asolar - [ Apoderarse violentamente de lo que se halla en un lugar ] - Synonym of saquear
es Spanish peritoneoscopia - [ Examen endoscópico de la cavidad peritoneal.
Examen de la cavidad abdominal previa laparotomía ]
- Synonym of laparoscopia
es Spanish hipertimesia - [ Memoria extremada, total o parcial ] - Synonym of hipermnesia
es Spanish - [ Ansiado con gran vehemencia, deseado con gran fuerza. ] - Synonym of Codiciado
es Spanish - [ Obra de albanileria que cierra o limita un espacio. Superficie lateral de un cuerpo. ] - Synonym of pared
es Spanish - [ Artesano que se ha especializado en tallar, en madera u otros materiales, la representacion del nacimiento de Jesus. ] - Synonym of Tallista de Belenes
es Spanish - [ Aparecer sobre algo, siempre en sentido ascendente. ] - Synonym of Surgir
es Spanish - [ Sostenido, llevado sobre si. ] - Synonym of Soportado
es Spanish - [ La extremidad vertebral de una costilla se llama cabeza; la parte más estrecha que la sigue se denomina cuello; en la unión del cuello con el cuerpo existe la tuberosidad, articulada con la apófisis transversa de una vértebra; más hacia fuera el hueso se encorva produciendo el ángulo y el resto del cuerpo sigue adelante y abajo ] - Synonym of costilla
es Spanish - [ Rasgos y caracteres propios de una colectividad ] - Synonym of idiosincrasia
es Spanish - [ Volver a preparar algo de manera adecuada a determinado fin. ] - Synonym of Reacondicionamiento
es Spanish - [ "El hombre imaginario/ vive en una mansión imaginaria/
rodeada de árboles imaginarios/ a la orilla de un río imaginario./ De los muros, que son imaginarios/ penden antiguos cuadros imaginarios/ irreparables grietas imaginarias/ que representan hechos imaginarios/ ocurridos en mundos imaginarios/ en lugares y tiempos imaginarios" - Nicanor Parra ]
- Synonym of imaginario
es Spanish - [ Pieza transversal lo suficientemente fuerte que sirve de sostén ] - Synonym of viga
es Spanish - [ Adepto logrado para una cierta corriente o ideología. ] - Synonym of prosélito
es Spanish - [ Caer dando vueltas por una pendiente. ] - Synonym of rodar
es Spanish - [ Someter un cuerpo, o parte de él, al influjo intenso y prolongado de un agente físico, que puede ser agua, lodo, sol, vapor, calor, frio. ] - Synonym of bañarse
es Spanish - [ No acertar, equivocarse. No lograr aquello que se pretendía. ] - Synonym of Fallar
es Spanish - [ Edificio destinado a la custodia y reclusión de quienes han sido condenados por un hecho punible ] - Synonym of penitenciaría
es Spanish - [ Ofrecimiento de una obra o regalo ] - Synonym of dedicación
es Spanish - [ Cortar, arrancar, quitar o raer el pelo, quitar las plumas al ave. ] - Synonym of PELAR
es Spanish - [ Reducido a polvo. ] - Synonym of molido
es Spanish - [ 1.- Ansia de alguien de saber y averiguar cosas que no le conciernen. 2.- Vicio que lleva a alguien a inquirir lo que no debiera importarle. ] - Synonym of curiosidad
es Spanish - [ 1.- Persona que le gusta saber o averiguar algo que no le concierne. 2.- Vicio que lleva a alguien a inquirir lo que no debiera importarle. ] - Synonym of Curioso
es Spanish - [ 1- Adorno que sobresale en la superficie de una cosa.
2- Relieve.
3- Auge o prestigio de una persona o de su obra,
- Synonym of realce
es Spanish - [ Que ama la soledad o vive en ella. ] - Synonym of Solitario
es Spanish - [ Débil, delicado ] - Synonym of Frágil
es Spanish - Synonym of cabuchino enano
es Spanish - [ Enzima desenrolladora del ADN superenrollado al injerir cortes en una de sus hélices ] - Antonym of topoisomerasa
es Spanish - Plural of radiación terrestre reflejada
es Spanish - [ Forma incompleta de disostosis mandibulofacial.
Se caracteriza por las mismas anomalías de la forma completa(síndrome de Franceschetti) pero menos intensas. Aparece esporádicamente pero se sospecha un mecanismo de transmisión autosómico dominante ]
- Synonym of síndrome de Treacher-Collins
es Spanish - Plural of medida del ruido
es Spanish - [ Señales de radio búsqueda, señales de aviso ] - Plural of subsistema radio
es Spanish - [ Es una enfermedad metabólica hereditaria extremadamente rara, pertenece al grupo de las glucogenosis, enfermedades producidas por depósito o acúmulo de glucógeno. Causa intolerancia al ejercicio, con dolor, calambres y ocasionalmente mioglobinuria ] - Synonym of enfermedad de Tarui
es Spanish - Plural of visibilidad en vuelo
es Spanish - Plural of carácter aditivo
es Spanish - [ Preparado del principio o principios derivados del lóbulo anterior de la hipófisis que ejerce efecto trópico sobre la corteza suprarrenal.
La hormona adrenocorticotrópica de la hipófisis anterior estimula la acción del amplio espectro de hormonas de la corteza suprarrenal ]
- Plural of corticotropina
es Spanish - [ "La destrucción de la moral pública causa bien pronto la destrucción del Estado" - Simón Bolívar ] - Plural of moral
es Spanish - [ Herramienta empleada para limar materiales como metales, madera u otras materias ] - Plural of lima-escofina
es Spanish - [ Vacuna preparada con bacilos tíficos muertos ] - Synonym of tifobacterina
es Spanish ampliación a gran escala - Synonym of ampliación
es Spanish cargadora de acumuladores - [ Estación de servicio que vende electricidad para los automóviles eléctricos ] - Synonym of electrolinera
es Spanish - [ Se habla de morfo cuando existe variaciones de plumaje dentro de una población de aves ] - Plural of morfo
es Spanish poste de cierre de tráfico - [ Proís de hierro colado o acero, con la punta superior encorvada, que se coloca en la arista exterior de un muelle para que las amarras no estorben el paso ] - Synonym of bolardo
es Spanish ciclomotor - Synonym of escúter
et Estonian küünis - Synonym of käpp
eu Basque tailer - Synonym of lantegi
eu Basque elektrizista - Synonym of elektrikaria
eu Basque maltzurkeria - Synonym of jokaera maltzur
eu Basque arazo - Synonym of eragozpen
eu Basque bahitze - Synonym of kentze
eu Basque angio - Synonym of bazkaleku
eu Basque arkakaratsa - Synonym of arkakarats
eu Basque galondo - Synonym of uztondo
eu Basque malkar - Synonym of sorbeltz arrunt
eu Basque irabazi-asmo - Synonym of irabazizko xede
eu Basque gerakin - Synonym of gaineratiko
eu Basque urdaitegi-lanak - [ Urdai, urdaiazpiko, hestebete eta bestelako txerrikiak salgai dituen saltokia ] - Synonym of urdaitegi
eu Basque mundrun - Synonym of galipot
eu Basque bazter-bide - Synonym of bazterbide
eu Basque kontratista - [ Obra edo zerbitzu baterako kontratua enkante edo lehiaketa bidez eskuratzen duena. ] - Synonym of esleipendun
eu Basque ikaskuntza - [ Lanbide baterako prestatzeko ikasten ematen den aldia. ] - Synonym of ikastaldi
eu Basque ikuskaritza - Synonym of auditoria
eu Basque urubi arrunt - Synonym of urubi
eu Basque zelo - Synonym of zinta itsasgarri
eu Basque arantzadun alanbre - Synonym of alanbre horzduna
eu Basque pago - Synonym of pago arrunt
eu Basque akelarre - Synonym of akelarre
eu Basque irabazi - Synonym of mozkin
eu Basque beisbola - Synonym of beisbol
fa Persian شرح زندگی اوليای و مقدسين - [ نگارش و بررسی سرگذشت اوليا و پيامبران ] - Synonym of شرح زندگی انبيا
fa Persian گوزن شماليی - [ گوزن شمالی ] - Synonym of گوزن
fa Persian جفت - [ قرار گرفتن سه ستاره در يک خط مستقيم مانند (آفتاب، زمين و ماه هنگام خورشيدگرفتگی يا ماه گرفتگی) به عنوان بخشی از اصل جاذبه اجسام ] - Synonym of مقارنه
fa Persian نقطه گذار - [ محتويات نطفه ] - Synonym of زرده تخم مرغ
fa Persian از نو - Synonym of دگربار
fa Persian تقريبا - Synonym of تقريباً
fa Persian خوره - Synonym of جذامی
fa Persian سوراخ - Synonym of ايجاد سوراخ
fa Persian از پايين به بالا - Synonym of متمايل
fa Persian درهم و برهم - Synonym of ژوليده
fa Persian مسموميت عفونی حاصله در اثر جذب باكتری ها و مواد فاسد به خون - Synonym of گندخونی
fa Persian سلام - Synonym of خداحافظ
fa Persian ميزان بهره - Synonym of ميزان
fa Persian گولزن - Synonym of متقلّب
fa Persian فريب دادن - Synonym of مغبون کردن
fa Persian آماس كبدى - Synonym of التهاب كــبد , هپاتیت
fa Persian چيزى كه پرواضح است - Synonym of ابتذال
fa Persian آدمدزدى - Synonym of شانگهای
fa Persian هورمن - Synonym of هورمون
fa Persian پارازيت - Synonym of اشتباه
fa Persian آدمك - Synonym of ربات
fi Finnish itselaukaisin - [ Koje, jonka avulla kamera voidaan saada laukeamaan määrätyn ajan kuluessa. ] - Synonym of ajastin
fi Finnish koppisiemeniset - [ Koppisiemeninen kasvi. ] - Synonym of angiospermi
fi Finnish välittäjä - [ Arvopaperivälittäjä. ] - Synonym of meklari
fi Finnish puskutraktori - [ Telaketjutraktori. ] - Synonym of bulldozer
fi Finnish kapybara - [ Hydrochoerus hydrochoeris. ] - Synonym of jokisika
fi Finnish uudelleen - Synonym of taas
fi Finnish kauris - Synonym of metsäkauris
fi Finnish inhimillinen olento - Synonym of ihminen
fr French soucoupe - Synonym of plateau
fr French bitte - Synonym of borne
fr French jaune d'œuf - [ Le centre de l'oeuf ] - Synonym of jaune
fr French ébaucher - Synonym of dégrossir
fr French gain - Synonym of gain
fr French entrepreneur - [ Personne qui bénéficie d'une adjudication. ] - Synonym of adjudicataire
fr French manque - Synonym of disette
fr French rassembler - Synonym of amasser
fr French et ainsi de suite - Synonym of etc
fr French indicatif - Synonym of préfixe
fr French tourillon de vilebrequin - Synonym of tourillon
fr French plat - [ Plat de forme le plus souvent arrondie en bois, porcelaine ou autre servant à recevoir les aliments durant les repas. ] - Synonym of assiette
fr French collier ras de cou - Synonym of ras-de-cou
fr French concussion - Synonym of extorsion
fr French agoniser - Synonym of hoquet
fr French randonneur pédestre - Synonym of randonneur
fr French prurit - Synonym of démangeaison
fr French atelier - Synonym of usine
fr French de nouveau - Synonym of encore
fr French démarrage - Synonym of lancement, mise en marche
fr French édredon - Synonym of eider à duvet
fr French caleçon long - Synonym of caleçon
fr French auteur - Synonym of scénariste
fr French forure - Synonym of forage
fr French entraînement - Synonym of apprentissage
fr French élitisation - Synonym of embourgeoisement
fr French bâton de golf - [ Bâton à manche mince muni d'une tête à une extrémité, spécialement conçu pour frapper des balles de golf ] - Synonym of bâton
fr French distributeur automatique - [ distributeur automatique de billets de banque ] - Synonym of bancomat
fr French - [ Répertoire des abonnés au téléphone. ] - Synonym of annuaire des téléphones
fr French pousse-pied - [ Crustacé de la famille de cerrhipèdes. ] - Synonym of gland de mer
fr French paiement à la livraison - Synonym of paiement à réception
fr French peu profond - [ partie du fond de la mer ou d'un fleuve où l'eau est peu profonde ] - Synonym of bas-fond
fr French myrtille - [ plante de la famille des éricacées, croissant dans les sols siliceux des forêts de montagne, aux propriétés médicinales reconnues ] - Synonym of myrtille
fr French agrandissement - [ agrandissement en très grandes dimensions d'une photo, d'un cliché ] - Synonym of suragrandissement
fr French - [ lien qu'on attache aux pieds d'un animal ; par extension, ce qui gêne, empêche de bouger ] - Synonym of entrave
fr French - [ vieux : infliger des vexations et des brimades, tourmenter par abus de pouvoir ; moderne : blesser quelqu'un dans son amour-propre ] - Synonym of vexer
fr French - Synonym of colle
fr French - [ effet d'un raturage : trait tiré sur des mots que l'on veut supprimer ] - Synonym of rature
fr French - Synonym of raclée
fr French - [ arme de choc, au Moyen Âge, constituée d'un manche et d'une tête de métal, souvent garnie de pointes ou évidée en ailettes ] - Synonym of masse
fr French chérimole - Synonym of chérimolier
fr French - [ endommager quelque chose de délicat en le tripotant, le frottant ou le comprimant [au figuré : blesser la délicatesse de quelqu'un, l'offenser par manque d'égard] ] - Synonym of froisser
fr French bail - [ cession provisoire de l'usage d'un bien moyennant le paiment d'une rémunération (loyer) convenue entre son propriétaire (le loueur) et le locataire ] - Synonym of location
fr French introduction - [ en logique, chacune des deux propositions (ou principes), dites majeure et mineure, placées au début d'un raisonnement (ou syllogisme) et dont on tire une conclusion ] - Synonym of prémisse
fr French prête-nom - Synonym of homme de paille
fr French - Synonym of merisier
fr French églantine - Synonym of églantier
fr French - [ ligne passant sur le terrain par les points de même altitude (qui ont la même cote) ; sa représentation sur une carte ou un plan ] - Synonym of courbe de niveau
fr French - Synonym of quintefeuille
fr French pèlerin - Synonym of requin pèlerin
fr French - Synonym of poisson-scie
fr French rendre un culte - [ hommage rendu à la divinité ou à un personnage saint ] - Synonym of culte
fr French préambule - [ Ce dont on fait précéder un texte de loi pour en exposer les motifs et les buts ] - Synonym of préambule
fr French - [ récipient à couvercle percé dans lequel on mettait des braises et qu'on passait sur les draps, au moyen d'un long manche, pour réchauffer le lit ] - Synonym of bassinoire
fr French - Synonym of enjoliver
fr French vérification - [ vérification des comptes d'une entreprise ] - Synonym of audit
fr French agent commercial - Synonym of courtier
fr French délais de livraison - Synonym of délai de livraison
fr French croque-mitaine - [ personnage censé faire peur aux enfants ; personne sévère et effrayante ] - Synonym of croquemitaine
fr French - [ qui se plaît à jouer des tours, à multiplier les petites méchancetés, à agacer, irriter, ] - Synonym of malicieux
fr French à plus - [ locution interjective par laquelle on prend congé de quelqu'un que l'on pense revoir ] - Synonym of au revoir
fr French scarabée sacré - [ insecte coléoptère de la famille des scarabéidés ] - Synonym of aphodie fossoyeur
fr French vol - [ simple vol, commis furtivement et sans violence ] - Synonym of larcin
fr French vieille femme - Synonym of vieille dame
fr French frauder - [ [familier] "rouler dans la farine" : duper, leurrer quelqu'un, pour en obtenir frauduleusement ce qu'on veut (généralement sans grande gravité) ] - Synonym of rouler
fr French - Synonym of tyranneau à face d'or
fr French - [ petit faisceau musculaire, tendu à la face supérieure du voile du palais depuis l'épine nasale ] - Synonym of muscle palatostaphylin
fr French - Synonym of darmera
fr French tout neuf - Synonym of flambant neuf
fr French - Synonym of empereur gueule de vin
fr French noix de pacane - [ fruit du pacanier (notamment Carya illinoensis) ] - Synonym of noix de pécan
fr French - [ Céroïde lipofuschinose neuronale infantile tardive ] - Synonym of céroïde lipofuschinose neuronale
fr French - Plural of cadrage
fr French bouteur - Synonym of niveleuse
fr French pot de chambre - [ vase à col incliné dans lequel un malade alité peut uriner ] - Synonym of urinal
fr French oisiveté - Synonym of loisir
fr French duperie - Synonym of tromperie
fr French argutie - [ remarque futile, ergotant sur une vétille, sur un point de détail, sur un mot
- Synonym of chicane
fu Furlan mandi - Synonym of a bon riviodisi
ga Irish fraochán gorm - Synonym of sméar gorm
ga Irish meaisín banc - Synonym of dáileoir airgid
ga Irish gnódh - Synonym of brabús
gd Scots Gaelic aimsir - Synonym of eòlas-sìde
gl Galician contratista - [ Ofertante exitoso dun contrato. ] - Synonym of licitador
gl Galician buldózer - [ Tractor poderoso e pesado cunha lámina vertical no frontal, usado para nivelar ou limpar terreos. ] - Synonym of buldózer
gl Galician orinol - [ Recipiente para ouriños, etc. usada no dormitorio. ] - Synonym of penico
gl Galician estipendio - [ Retribución dineraria fixa e periódica recibida por un traballo habitual ] - Synonym of salario
gn Guarani potiasy - Synonym of tekakapa'ã
gn Guarani mba’epota - Synonym of taryrýi
gn Guarani jeikorei - Synonym of mba’apo’ỹ
gu Gujarati સમકાલીન - [ આ દિવસોમાં ] - Synonym of આજકાલ
gu Gujarati ધંધાદારી મોટર હાંકનારો - Synonym of ચાલક
gu Gujarati પુનઃ - Synonym of ફરી એક વાર
gu Gujarati નફો - Synonym of કમાઈ
gu Gujarati પૂર્વપક્ષ - Synonym of આમુખ
gu Gujarati નિર્ભીક - Synonym of નિર્ભય
gu Gujarati પાસા - Synonym of પાસું
gu Gujarati કમનસીબ - Synonym of બેહાલ
he Hebrew שלום - Synonym of להתראות
he Hebrew איל הכרמל - [ צבי קטן שחי ביערים ] - Synonym of אייל
he Hebrew אנונה חלקה - Synonym of אנונה
he Hebrew פומת ההרים - Synonym of פומה
he Hebrew פיראן אדומה - Synonym of פיראנת אדומה
hi Hindi पगार - Synonym of वेतन
hi Hindi पुनः - [ एक बार फिर ] - Synonym of फिर
hi Hindi समकालीन - Synonym of आजकल
hi Hindi सूद - Synonym of दर
hi Hindi चालक - [ मोटरगाड़ी चालक ] - Synonym of शोफ़र
hi Hindi सम्मिलित - Synonym of शामिल
hi Hindi नफ़ा - Synonym of कमाई
hi Hindi पूर्वपक्ष - Synonym of आमुख
hi Hindi निर्भीक - Synonym of निर्भय
hi Hindi मन्दभाग्य - Synonym of बेहाल
hu Hungarian isten veled! - Synonym of viszontlátásra
hu Hungarian elhanyagolt - Synonym of lompos
hu Hungarian kerékanya - Synonym of anya
hu Hungarian kereskedelmi ügynök - Synonym of tőzsdeügynök
in Indonesian perolehan - Synonym of laba
it Italian sbozzare - Synonym of sgrossare
it Italian audit - Synonym of controllo
it Italian caduta poppiera - Synonym of balumina
it Italian avviamento - Synonym of avvio
it Italian profitto - [ Trarre denaro o altro da un'attività, a titolo di compenso o di lucro ] - Synonym of guadagno
it Italian cambio di velocità - [ Scatola degli ingranaggi che regolano tramite il bilanciere dietro il volante il passaggio da una marcia di velocità inferiore a una superiore e viceversa. ] - Synonym of cambio
it Italian appaltatore edile - [ Il soggetto che si assume, con organizzazione dei mezzi necessari e con gestione a proprio rischio, il compimento di un'opera o di un servizio per un committente verso un corrispettivo in denaro
- Synonym of appaltatore
it Italian preside - [ Il più anziano, di età o di appartenenza, di un gruppo di persone.
(nelle università) professore che risiede nel "college" e ha funzioni speciali ]
- Synonym of decano
it Italian - [ Chiusura composta da due file parallele di dentini in metallo o in plastica, che s'incastrano per mezzo di un cursore. Il brevetto risale al 1912, ma l'idea viene man mano perfezionata e utilizzata dai sarti come accessorio moda negli anni '30, Elsa Schiaparelli, sarà una delle prime a proporla nelle sue creazioni ] - Synonym of cerniera
it Italian venerare - [ Venerare una divinità ] - Synonym of adorare
it Italian - Synonym of spremere
it Italian reclutare - [ Prendere uomini a soldo per servizio militare, contratare mercenari. ] - Synonym of assoldare
it Italian mangiatutto - Synonym of ghiottone
it Italian domeneddio - [ Nelle religioni monoteiste è l'essere supremo, inteso come la causa creante di tutta la realtà, cui si attribuisce il governo del mondo ] - Synonym of Dio
it Italian cieco da un occhio - [ cieco da un occhio ] - Synonym of monocolo
it Italian tifo esantematico - Synonym of tifo
it Italian trivellamento - [ Operazione del perforare ] - Synonym of perforazione
it Italian plancia portastrumenti - Synonym of plancia
it Italian tempi di consegna - Synonym of tempo di consegna
it Italian - Synonym of esaminare
it Italian ardito - [ Che dimostra coraggio e fermezza d' animo. ] - Synonym of intrepido
it Italian ai giorni nostri - Synonym of oggigiorno
it Italian scusa - [ apparenza ] - Synonym of pretesto
it Italian verso il basso - [ Stando disteso sul ventre con la faccia in giù. ] - Synonym of bocconi
it Italian avviso - [ Grande manifesto di una proiezione cinematografica, di uno spettacolo teatrale, ecc.. ] - Synonym of cartellone
it Italian cantero - [ Recipiente nel quale si orina. ] - Synonym of vaso da notte
it Italian sventurato - [ Che non ha fortuna, che è oppresso e perseguitato da malanni, miseria, insuccesso o altre disgrazie. ] - Synonym of disgraziato
it Italian tecnico elettricista - [ Tecnico addetto agli apparecchi e agli impianti elettrici ] - Synonym of elettricista
it Italian mosca cavallina - [ Insetto volante simile alla mosca ma di dimensioni maggiori (Tabanus bovinus), le cui femmine si nutrono del sangue dei bovini. ] - Synonym of tafano
it Italian meteo - [ Scienza che studia i fenomeni atmosferici in funzione della loro azione sulla superficie terrestre e formula i bollettini di previsione del tempo. ] - Synonym of meteorologia
it Italian bulldozer - [ Macchina usata per lavori di scavo superficiale, sollevamento e trasporto di terreno; è costituita da un cassone a pala dentata o a benna, generalmente montato sulla parte frontale di un trattore e azionato idraulicamente ] - Synonym of ruspa
it Italian agente di commercio - [ Professionista che funge da intermediario nell'acquisto o nella vendita di titoli, derrate o servizi a fronte di una commissione ] - Synonym of broker
it Italian agnello castrato - [ Agnello castrato. ] - Synonym of castrone
it Italian - [ Parlare in modo informale su argomenti non approfonditamente trattati. fare quattro chiacchere ] - Error of chiacchierare
it Italian buggerone - [ Chi inganna con discorsi o raggiri; imbroglione, truffatore ] - Synonym of lestofante
it Italian vacanza - [ Tempo libero, periodo di riposo dalle attività regolari ] - Synonym of ozio
it Italian ingrandimento particolare - [ Insieme delle operazioni per ottenere ingrandimenti fotografici di notevoli dimensioni ] - Synonym of gigantografia
it Italian carenza - [ Inadeguata quantità. ] - Synonym of scarsità
it Italian creatura umana - Synonym of essere umano
it Italian manigoldo - [ Autore di truffa ] - Synonym of truffatore
it Italian banco di riscontro - [ È un sistema rapido e sicuro per riparare il telaio di una autovettura con precisione assoluta. Il banco è fornito di due puntoni (anteriore e posteriore) e di attrezzi specifici per effettuare il tiraggio e la spinta dei telai. La dima universale anteriore è dotata di nonio graduato che indica i gradi di incidenza che il cannotto del telaio deve avere per tornare nella sua posizione originale. ] - Synonym of banco dima
it Italian allocco comune - [ Uccello notturno con grandi occhi rotondi e piumaggio bruno, appartenente agli Strigiformi ] - Synonym of allocco
it Italian - [ Pianta perenne della famiglia delle Borraginacee ] - Synonym of consolida maggiore
it Italian più o meno - [ Definisce una quantità o una qualità leggermente in difetto ] - Synonym of quasi
it Italian megera - Synonym of bisbetica
it Italian toporagno comune - [ Animale roditore simile al topo, che scava tante e cunicoli sotto il terreno ] - Synonym of toporagno
it Italian - Synonym of rafano selvatico
it Italian - [ in conformità con ] - Synonym of conformemente al
it Italian fuggifuggi - Synonym of fuggi fuggi
it Italian solleone - [ Caldo intenso e afoso ] - Synonym of calura
it Italian eutroficazione - [ Fenomeno per cui un volume d'acqua tende a saturarsi di sostanze nutritive che incentivano una eccessiva proliferazione della vegetazione. Di conseguenza si instaura un ambiente anaerobico con la possibile distruzione delle principali forme di vita acquatica ] - Synonym of eutrofizzazione
it Italian - Synonym of punta
it Italian casula - [ Sopraveste in seta, aperta sui fianchi, indossata dal sarcedote sopra al camicie durante le cerimonie religiose, il colore cambia a seconda del periodo o della funzione ] - Synonym of pianeta
it Italian lamantino - [ Specie di manato di pelle grigia con occhi piccoli e privo di padiglioni aurcolari esterni. Si ciba di piante acquatiche. Vive nel Sud America centrosettentrionale. ] - Synonym of lamantino
it Italian - [ Del Azufre que lo contiene, que esta relacionado con el Azufre. ] - Derived of sulfureo
it Italian - [ Specie di fungo color bianco con cappello liscio e polpa friabile. Diffuso nelle zone temperate. ] - Synonym of agarico pepato
it Italian raggruppare - Synonym of raccogliere
it Italian - [ fare un abbonamento a favore di qualcuno ] - Derived of abbonare
it Italian - Synonym of equiseto fluviatile
it Italian voltastomaco - [ Sensazione di malessere faringeo ed epigastrico associata a disturbi di ordine vasomotorio, a sudorazione e ad avversione per gli alimenti (spinta al vomito). Dal punto di vista fisiopatologico risulta costituita da componenti centrali, corticali ed ipotalamiche, e da una notevole partecipazione viscerale. Concomitano riduzione del tono e della peristalsi dello stomaco e del tenue ed un rilasciamento della muscolatura addominale. Lo stiramento dei mesi e stimoli a partenza dal peritoneo costituiscono la causa della nausea. Può essere un prodromo del vomito, ma spesso si presenta come unico sintoma. La nausea senza vomito si può verificare nell'uremia, in corso di terapia radiante, alcoolismo, epatopatie, ipercalcemia, gravidanza, quale effetto collaterale di farmaci (es. digitale, oppiacei, antibiotici, etro-progestinici). La nausea fa parte di un corteo sintomatologico che si identifica nella sindrome dispeptica caratteristica delle epatopatie e colecistopatie ] - Synonym of nausea
it Italian ammogliare - [ Unirsi a qualcuno in matrimonio ] - Synonym of sposare
it Italian - Synonym of gavina capgrisa
it Italian polidrosi - [ Eccessivo sudore ] - Synonym of iperidrosi
it Italian tamarillo - Synonym of albero del pomodoro
it Italian - [ Mania omicida o suicida ] - Synonym of mania suicida
it Italian - [ Erpete semplice del prepuzio ] - Plural of herpes prepuziale
it Italian - [ Restringimento della diafisi del radio subito sotto il capitello ] - Plural of collo del radio
it Italian - [ Rotazione del polo superiore del meridiano verticale dell'occhio verso la linea mediana del viso ] - Plural of rotazione interna
it Italian - [ Zona di una cellula ghiandolare che riceve lo stimolo nervoso dalla placca terminale della neurofibrilla corrispondente ] - Plural of recettore epiteliale
it Italian pubblicità stravagante - Synonym of fare un grosso lancio pubblicitario
it Italian - Synonym of rimanere vedovo
it Italian - [ danza popolare italiana ] - Synonym of saltarello
it Italian - [ Prima lavorazione a mano del vetro cavo ] - Plural of soffiatura a bocca
it Italian - [ Prolungamento della sinoviale dell'articolazione scapolomerale, situato tra la base dell'apofisi coracoide da un lato ed il muscolo sottoscapolare dall'altro ] - Plural of borsa sottocoracoidea
it Italian di prim'ordine - [ In modo eccellente ] - Synonym of benissimo
it Italian semplicità volontaria - [ Lasciare un lavoro anche ben pagato per riorganizzarsi la vita e fare qualcosa che dia più soddisfazione e lasci più tempo libero anche ricavando meno denaro quindi consumando meno e possibilmente entrare in armonia con l'ambiente - in pratica significa abbassare lo standard per una migliore qualità della vita ] - Synonym of semplicità volontaria
it Italian conca endoreica - Synonym of bacino endoreico
it Italian scatola di pranzo - [ Cestino del pranzo ] - Synonym of schiscetta
it Italian artocarpo - [ Frutto del falso albero del pane, Artocarpus heterophyllus. Sa di carne ] - Synonym of giaca
ja Japanese 新規の - Synonym of もう一度、再度
ja Japanese 印;記念品 - Synonym of 記号、跡
ji Yiddish פּעננאָמען - Synonym of psevdonim
la Latin - Synonym of Vinca minor
la Latin quasi - Synonym of fere
la Latin commodum - Synonym of praemium
la Latin carentia - Synonym of raritas
la Latin venerari - Synonym of adorare
la Latin mitella pollicipes - Synonym of Pollícipes cornucopia
la Latin neglegens - Synonym of neglectus
la Latin audax - Synonym of intrepidus
la Latin dociostaurus crassiusculus - Synonym of locusta
la Latin ex tunc - Synonym of mox
la Latin taxus - Synonym of Taxus baccata
la Latin teter - Synonym of ater
la Latin ephemeroptera - Synonym of Ephemera danica
la Latin grus - Synonym of Grus sp.
la Latin - Alternative Spell of Puntius titteya
la Latin tinnitus aurium - Synonym of tinnitus
la Latin statu quo ante - Synonym of status quo
la Latin - Synonym of Crangon vulgaris
la Latin aphodius fossor - Synonym of Scarabaeus sacer
la Latin - Synonym of musimo
la Latin - Synonym of Calluna vulgaris
la Latin vellus - Synonym of lanitium
la Latin cyphomandra betacea - Synonym of Solanum betaceum
la Latin - Synonym of Ulmus x hollandica 'Vegeta'
la Latin - Error of Amaranthus hypochondriachus
la Latin formae mutatio - Synonym of metamorphosis
la Latin mens rea - Synonym of dolus
lv Latvian darît labu - Synonym of labdarîba
lv Latvian guvums - Synonym of pelna
mp Mapunzugun allkün - Synonym of wamün
mp Mapunzugun ewanewangen - Synonym of ülgun
mr Marathi समकालीन - Synonym of हल्ली
mr Marathi मिसळलेला - Synonym of सामील
mr Marathi नफा - Synonym of धनार्जन
mr Marathi भूमिका - Synonym of प्रस्तावना
mr Marathi निर्भीक - Synonym of भयरहित
mr Marathi कमनसीब - Synonym of व्याकुल
nc Napulitano aurenale - Synonym of càntero
nl Dutch sepsis - Synonym of septikemie
nl Dutch levertijd - Synonym of aflevertijdstip
nl Dutch schakeltandwielkast - [ Geheel van versnellingen in een omhulsel dat instaat voor de verhoudingen van de koppelvermeerdering. ] - Synonym of versnellingsbak
nl Dutch aanbidding - Synonym of adoreren
nl Dutch aanhef - Synonym of preambule
nl Dutch schotel - Synonym of bord
nl Dutch beursman - Synonym of broker
nl Dutch steeneik - [ gekend onder de Latijnse benaming 'quercus petraea' ] - Synonym of wintereik
nl Dutch hondsdagen - Synonym of smoorhitte
nl Dutch - Form of Verb: afborstelen
nl Dutch - Synonym of uitgeput
nl Dutch overnieuw - Synonym of weer
nl Dutch doorlichting - Synonym of controle
nl Dutch onverveerd - [ moedig ] - Synonym of dapper
nl Dutch - Synonym of reuzen schorshagedis
nl Dutch zeekoe - Synonym of Caribische lamantijn
nl Dutch - Synonym of parel van de Sahara
nl Dutch - Synonym of streepjescodelezer
nl Dutch - Synonym of visserijovereenkomst
nl Dutch - Synonym of biomedisch instrumentarium
nl Dutch - [ stof welke levensprocessen kan stimuleren ] - Synonym of biokatalysator
nl Dutch - Synonym of koopkrachtstandaard
nl Dutch - Synonym of respiratiecapaciteit
nl Dutch - Synonym of stress syndroom
nl Dutch - Error of krediteren
nl Dutch - Synonym of schroefdop
nl Dutch - Synonym of misthoorn
nl Dutch - Synonym of pitvrucht
nl Dutch - Synonym of ongebrande koffie
nl Dutch gloednieuw - Synonym of spiksplinternieuw
nl Dutch - [ ERROR : gulstreksanger ] - Synonym of noordse boszanger
nl Dutch - Synonym of blaasklimop
nl Dutch tamarillo - Synonym of terong belanda
nl Dutch reebok - Synonym of ree
no Norwegian Bokmål avkastning - Synonym of profitt
no Norwegian Bokmål - Synonym of krabbmakak
pa Punjabi ਤਤਕਾਲੀ - Synonym of ਅਜ ਕਲ
pa Punjabi ਪੁਨਾ - Synonym of ਫੇਰ
pa Punjabi ਚਾਲਕ - Synonym of ਡਰਾਇਵਰ
pa Punjabi ਪਗਾਰ - Synonym of ਤਨਖਾਹ
pa Punjabi ਸਮਿੱਲਤ - Synonym of ਸ਼ਾਮਲ
pa Punjabi ਨਫ਼ਾ - Synonym of ਕਮਾਈ
pa Punjabi ਪੂਰਵ ਪੱਖ - Synonym of ਉਥਾਨਕਾ
pa Punjabi ਕੁਡਰ - Synonym of ਨਿਰਭੈ
pa Punjabi ਕੁਰ੍ਰਾ - Synonym of ਪਾਸਾ
pa Punjabi ਬਦਕਿਸਮਤ - Synonym of ਬੇਹਾਲ
pj Pitjantjatjara / Yankunytjatjara - [ part , some of ] - Derived of aapa
pj Pitjantjatjara / Yankunytjatjara - Feminine Sing. of pampa
pj Pitjantjatjara / Yankunytjatjara - [ competent at ,
experienced ]
- Synonym of ninti
pj Pitjantjatjara / Yankunytjatjara - Error of kakaratal
pj Pitjantjatjara / Yankunytjatjara - Synonym of tjarawakani
pj Pitjantjatjara / Yankunytjatjara nguwan(pa) - Synonym of watalpi
pl Polish czcić - [ Czcić, ubóstwiać. ] - Synonym of wielbić
pl Polish staż - [ Staż, stosunek pracy zawierany na okres terminowania. ] - Synonym of praktyka
pl Polish kutwa - [ Kutwa, skąpiec (potocznie). ] - Synonym of skąpiradło
pl Polish talerz - Synonym of danie
pl Polish buldożer - [ Maszyna służąca do odspajania gruntu, czerpania i ładowania urobku na środki transportowe lub na odkład ] - Synonym of koparka
pl Polish kibel - [ urynał ] - Synonym of nocnik
pl Polish niewidomy na jedno oko - Synonym of jednooki
pt Portuguese dores durante as relações sexuais - Synonym of dispareunia
pt Portuguese sepse - [ Patol. Processo infeccioso generalizado em que germes são veiculados pelo sangue e neste se multiplicam ] - Synonym of septicémia
pt Portuguese chumaceira do mancal - Synonym of pino de bancada
pt Portuguese frasco - Synonym of ampola
pt Portuguese auditorias - Synonym of auditoria
pt Portuguese reverenciar - Synonym of adorar
pt Portuguese caixa de multibanco - Synonym of caixa eletrônico
pt Portuguese corretor - Synonym of bolsista
pt Portuguese capivara-grande - Synonym of capivara
pt Portuguese aprendizagem - Synonym of treinamento
pt Portuguese enxergar - Synonym of entrever
pt Portuguese tos ferina - [ Doença infantil contagiosa ] - Synonym of coqueluche
pt Portuguese gema de ovo - Synonym of gema
pt Portuguese teixeiro - [ arvore perenifólia da família das Taxáceas (Tacus baccata) de copa ampla e piramidal espontânea nas regiões montanhosas elevadas de Portugal ] - Synonym of teixo
pt Portuguese cabrito-montês - Synonym of corço
pt Portuguese - Synonym of interpolação
pt Portuguese e assim por diante - [ e [os] outros ; e assim por diante ] - Synonym of etcétera
pt Portuguese gestão - Synonym of gerência
pt Portuguese - Synonym of camomila
pt Portuguese acúfeno - [ sensação de ruído no ouvido (zumbidos) na ausência de qualquer sonoridade exterior ] - Synonym of tinnitus
pt Portuguese gato-do-mato - Synonym of puma
pt Portuguese peixe-boi - Synonym of manatí
pt Portuguese miúdos - Synonym of fressura
pt Portuguese - Synonym of furão-do-pé-preto
pt Portuguese comadre - Synonym of bacio
pt Portuguese painél publicitário - [ "ordem oficial, cópia de édito ou postura camarária que se afixa em lugares públicos ou se publica na imprensa para conhecimento de todos" (Priberam) ] - Synonym of edital
pt Portuguese miastenia gravis - Synonym of miastenia
pt Portuguese morfeico - Synonym of leproso
pt Portuguese efidrose - Synonym of hiperidrose 
pt Portuguese - [ Comida típica Italiana feita com milho ] - Diminutive Sing. m. of polenta
pt Portuguese - Synonym of cirioba
pt Portuguese árbol de tomates - Synonym of tomate arbóreo
qu Quechua yapa - Synonym of kutis
qu Quechua yaqa - Synonym of sacha
ro Romanian câstig - Synonym of profit
ro Romanian închiria - [ Cedare temporară a dreptului de exploatare a unor bunuri, în schimbul unei plăţi ] - Synonym of arendă
ro Romanian ospatar - [ Cel care toarnă băutură în pahare la diferite ocazii ] - Synonym of paharnic
ru Russian доходы - Synonym of прибыль
ru Russian *вероотступничество?? - [ Отступничество. ] - Synonym of публичное отречение
ru Russian скряга - [ (разг. през.)Жадный человек. ] - Synonym of жадина
ru Russian стаж - [ Производственная, научная, учебная практика для овладения какой-либо специальностью или повышения квалификации. ] - Synonym of стажировка
ru Russian тарелка - [ Столовая посуда круглой формы с плоским дном и приподнятыми краями ] - Synonym of тарелка
ru Russian ламантин - Synonym of американский ламантин
sa Sanskrit वारंवारं - Synonym of पुनः
sa Sanskrit सम्मिलित - Synonym of संमिश्र
sa Sanskrit लाभः - Synonym of वृत्तिः
sa Sanskrit समकाल - Synonym of एतेषु दिनेषु
sa Sanskrit भूमिका - Synonym of रूपकप्रस्तावना
sa Sanskrit अभय - Synonym of निर्भीक
sa Sanskrit दैवहीनः - Synonym of विकल
sc Sicilian stipendiu - [ Pagamentu fissu ca ci spetta a cu fa cuntinuativamenti travagghiu fissu subordinatu di cuncettu, comu 'mpiegati e funzionarii ] - Synonym of stipenniu
sk Slovak prírastok - Synonym of zisk
sk Slovak lakomec - [ Ve¾mi skúpy èlovek. ] - Synonym of žgrloš
sq Albanian - [ I pajisur me stemë fisnikërie. ] - Synonym of fisnik
sv Swedish uppstart - Synonym of Start
sv Swedish en gång till - Synonym of igen
sv Swedish dyrka - [ Dyrka, beundra. ] - Synonym of tillbe
sv Swedish leasa - [ Arrende ] - Synonym of hyra
sv Swedish framsidan nedåt - [ Ligga på mage med ansikten nedåt. ] - Synonym of framstupa
sv Swedish schaktmaskin - [ Bandtraktor med schaktblad framtill, avsedd för jordflyttning. ] - Synonym of bulldozer
sv Swedish börsmäklare - [ Mäklare, agent, någon som för annans räkning eller säljer varor, värdepapper eller försäkringar. ] - Synonym of broker
sv Swedish vinst; vinning - Synonym of pengarna
sv Swedish bankomaten - [ Telematisk system till gör det möjligt för kontoinnehavare i en bank att ta ut pengar i de speciella uttagsautomaterna. ] - Synonym of bankmat
sv Swedish orädd - Synonym of modig
sv Swedish bedragare - [ Person som skojar. ] - Synonym of skojare
sv Swedish författare - Synonym of manusförfattare
sv Swedish råbock - Synonym of rådjur
sv Swedish socialisera - Synonym of umgås
sv Swedish järnek - Synonym of stenek
tn Setswana pelokgale; pelotona - Synonym of natlafala
tn Setswana fosa - Synonym of utlwa
tn Setswana papadi; poelo - Synonym of temofalo
tr Turkish bankomat - Synonym of peþin daðýtan
tr Turkish kazanç - Synonym of tasarruf
tr Turkish yüklenici - [ Bir mal veya hizmet saðlamak için teklif sunan ve bu iþi ihale yoluyla kazanýp anlaþma yapýlan kiþi/kurum. ] - Synonym of müteahhit
va Valencian venerat - Synonym of adorar
va Valencian chirimoyer - Synonym of chirimòya
va Valencian finança - Synonym of finances
va Valencian pretext - Synonym of socolor
ve Venetian sole bronboso - [ Calura, il caldo e l'ora più calda del giorno ] - Synonym of caldàna
ve Venetian rebeca - [ Femena bruta, malignasa, barufona. ] - Synonym of magogna
wk Wangkajunga - Error of valijarati
zh Chinese 租赁 - Synonym of 租约
zh Chinese 起动 - Synonym of 启动
zh Chinese 自动提款机 - Synonym of 自动出纳机
zu Zulu ukuphana - Synonym of umupho
zu Zulu ukuhlonga - Synonym of ukuntuleka
zu Zulu uhlobo lwesibawu esihlupha amahashi - Synonym of isihawu
zu Zulu nesibind; namagagu - Synonym of ngesabi-lutho

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